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Entries in Hillary Clinton Saul Alinsky Thesis (2)


Hearings Over, Hillary Heard - Not the End Yet!

Hillary Clinton was declared the winner in the Congressional arena by all of the far left media, but was she really? Some say she knocked out the far right, won by a TKO! In boxing that means that the loser was not knocked out and could still fight, but really a panel of judges declares technically the qualified winner even though only still standing dazed, confused while wobbling around and ready to just fall down too.

Was Hillary that fighter in the hearing? Not because she stood up and tesitfied for eleven hours straight, which considered by many of her flock as a true test of her Presidential tenacity, but Hillary's dishonesty to the American people was revealed. And it's not over yet...

The F.B.I. has yet to step up to disclose what they are investigating in the vast trove of ecrypted data yet to be read from her personal computer servers  ...stay tuned, next round still coming up in 2016!

Hillary Clinton knew early on that the attacks which left four Americans dead was carried out by terrorists. But, Clinton and others in the Obama administration had already begun crafting the narrative that the attack was spontaneous and that the attackers were motivated by a YouTube video many Muslims found offensive. In the email cited by Congressman Jordan, Clinton responded to daughter Chelsea, who emailed under the pseudonym Diane Reynolds: “Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like [sic] group,” Clinton wrote. 

Clinton said “We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack, not a protest," in a call to Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil the next day.  Plain and simple this was the crown jewel to the Obama-Clinton foreign policy triumphs in the middle East and it was crumbling before the Presidential elections and as Hillary Clinton was turning over her position to John Kerry. The last thing Hillary wanted to admit to the American electorate was the totally, abysimal failure she and Barack Obama created on their watch.

What mess has Obama & Clinton left our country in? ..Listen Below, You decide! 

Now finally! For years all we hear is that Islam has been 'hijacked' and that most Muslims are peaceful people:

And that matters to the 270 million people who have been killed in the name of Allah HOW?

They estimate that some 15 to 20 percent of all Muslims are 'radical.' Well here's a real news bulletin that actually has meaning: Eighty Percent of All Muslims Are Not Muslims!

Enter Ms. Brigitte Gabriel. 

Time: 04:51


Obama & Clinton's Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals

Is anyone tired yet of the constant drip, drip drip of Obama's 'Divide and Conquer' Saul Alinsky strategy?--refer to the 'Rules for Radicals' book by Saul Alinsky. This Chicago left-wing nut socialist was a mentor for student Obama, posthumously, and Hillary Clinton, actually, who did her 1969 Wellesley College senior thesis paper, "There is Only the Fight", delineating her support for Saul Alinsky philosophy and principles. Hillary in her thesis acknowledgements even personally "thanked Saul Alinsky for providing her thesis topic, sharing his time and offering her a job."

The Alinsky leftist radical has a single principle - to take power from the 'Haves' and give it to the 'Have-nots'. What this amounts to in practice is a 'political nihilism' - a destructive assault on the established order in the name of 'the people.' (who, in the fashion common to dictators, are designated as such by the revolutionary elite). This is all about the classic revolutionary formula in which the goal is to pit peoples against each other by groups: races, sexes, ages, incomes, taxes, educations, jobs and entitlements in order to take their attention away from what is the real problem--The Obama Presidency tearing apart the Constitution.

A very important point: "With the radicals, like Obama, refusing to commit to principles or to identify their goals, they have been able to successfully organize 'a coalition of all the elements of the left' who were previously divided by disagreements over means and ends."  This peculiar anomaly in Saul Alinsky's strategy has worked well under Obama to engage other supporters outside his circle to join him. Traditionally, groups band together under an agreed upon set charter of actions and goals which in contrast is a major complaint that Obama never offers detailed plans or reasons as he goes forward in his administration. So, without naming his end game, whether it be his Federal Budget Plans, Spending Programs or Presidential Policies, Obama's primary goal is to recruit followers and believers to support his causes without specifics that could potentially alienate anyone as he further advances his radical socialist plans. Is Hillary Clinton up to task of continuing this Alinsky strategy too?--ahh, yeah!