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Entries in Hillary for 2016 (2)


Hillary Plays Déjà Vu Baseball Game

Looking forward way beyond the blame game and excuses of Donald Trump's Republican opponents there lies a door mat in the very near future called the "Woman Card."  On this face card is Hillary who is attacking the inexcusable travesty that "The Donald" only has testicles, but she has a vagina. It's truly below the belt, between the legs, in your face politics - it has a place in the PC or LGBT World Politics. (Political Correct or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender)

It's an insult, however, that Hillary feels that all woman have their heads up their skirts, between their legs, and never look out to see what really affects our country.

After lifting her own dress up to show everyone she is wearing no panties in order to prove her point, she is definitely playing the Woman Card. Hillary is now loudly shouting out at her own  events, "If some people say I'm playing the Woman Card, then deal me in!" So next, I want to see that Hillary moment when her voice breaking and tears welling in her eyes will be driven to tears when she starts crying,  It seem like I have seen that scene before, haven't you? Remember when the 2008 Presidential Primary loses mounted up as Obama ate her lunch? 

In 2008 after getting brushed back by Barack Obama in Iowa, her emotional moment was in a cafe about her embarrassing humiliation at a debate question suggesting she was not likable served the same purpose, making her more appealing, especially to women, particularly to women over 45.

This old ploy has already played to audiences and projected onto the big silver cinema screen already. In the film classic of 1949, “Adam’s Rib", about the battle of the sexes between two married lawyers, Spencer Tracy said to Katharine Hepburn, “Here we go again, the old juice. Guaranteed heart melter. A few female tears, stronger than any acid.”

At a Portsmouth, Massachusetts cafe, talking to a group of mostly women, Hillary blinked tearfully back her misty dread of where Obama’s “false hopes” will lead us — “I just don’t want to see us fall backwards,” she said tremulously — in time to smack her rival: “But some of us are right and some of us are wrong.  Some of us are ready and some of us are not.”  But there was a whiff of Nixonian self-pity about her tearfully choking up. What was moving her so deeply? Was it her recognition that the country was failing to grasp how much it needs her? ...yeah, right!

N. Y. Yankees catcher, Yogi Berra said, "It's déjà vu all over again!

Time: 0:17


Looking For a Needle in a Haystack

WANTED: An Old Sew & Sew that can needle people into stitching back together our our tattered republic by mending party fences, altering and taking in bloated government excesses, and patching up our relationships with our allies.

Seamstresses need not apply, we don't need minor alterations, hems trimmed or inseams and waists taken in slightly.  We are looking for a full service tailor that can take the basic fabric from our U.S. Constitutional laws to design, shape, and cut out a Congressional pattern for our U.S. Federal Government to fit its wide seat into, so they either wear that size pants or lose some to fit - that's why budgets are enacted. 

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: 01/21/2009 to 02/01/2013 - No Record of Accomplishments during her term in office.As of 2013, our nation is still without any likely viable candidates as yet for the Republican party ticket. Unfortunately the Democrat party, at this early juncture, has their front-runner, Hillary Clinton. Hillary's political machine has reved up already and has shot out of the starting blocks already racing to begin raising the $2 Billion it will take to run in the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign.  

So, Republicans currently have these three steeds in the stables: Sen. Marco Rubio, Gov. Chris Christie and Sen. Paul Ryan. "Rubio’s avid support did not help Mitt Romney, who lost Florida and received very few Hispanic votes. What else could possibly go wrong? Christie’s chummy way over-the-top bromance with President Obama just days before the election and after Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey will be a blemish on his record, and candidacy for the foreseeable future. Moreover, Christie has a Herculean task in front of him as he repairs the hurricane damage in his state. Ryan was Romney’s co-loser, albeit as a vice presidential candidate. The congressman can build his status in the coming days, weeks, and months leading up to the fiscal cliff and beyond if he performs well and makes a significant impact on the negotiations. Presumably, Ryan will be the GOP mouthpiece and principal respondent to Obama’s fiscal proposals."

I would like now to bring one other horse dark horse into the stable too. "Here, after decisive presidential defeats in 2008 and 2012, there is another Bush to consider as party insiders buzz about the possibility of a Jeb Bush candidacy. But the question, in South Carolina and elsewhere, is whether the enormous legacy advantage that George W. Bush enjoyed will still be there."

Personally, I think that being out of office for nearly eight years as this election cycle starts puts the Bush Dynasty into the past by a generational gap.  Furthermore,  another McCain-Romney moderate RINO candidate like Jeb Bush will not stimulate enough Republicans or Independents to get out of their recliners to vote either.  Youthful voters with many new social media connections will be the wave of the future electorate to connect.  So, the real question is whether the Republicans have awakened from their deep sleep yet to quickly see that this "change is acoming".

A generational "food fight" of a dilemma could develop which actually might invigorate the Republican Party's race. Do you recall the 2008 Democrat President Primary Race? "With Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the Democrats had a backward vs. forward fight in 2008. After an epic struggle, they chose forward. Another Bush run for president could set off a similarly desperate fight inside the Republican Party."  Now, that could bring the cream to the top out of the Republican Party political abyss.  It would certainly give those candidates a test run around the track before going out on the road -  all it takes is a little money to start their engines for the preliminaries before they enter the big race where the real money kicks it into gear! 

The single most enormous obstacle is simply time, a lot of time and more of it for the Republican Party to raise $2 Billion in donations, and the sooner the better.  The upcoming 2016 U.S. Presidential race is said to be going down as the most expensive run for any office in U.S. History - and that fact for both sides is one they can bank on.