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Entries in Hillary goes to trial (1)


Hillary's Convicted Sisterhood Club

Weiner's October Surprise! 

Thank God that one man's pedophila is every Hillary voter's peccadillo. Anthony's predilection being stubbornly resistant to any moral influence while being persistently impenitent created an obdurate sinner. It is no surprise why a recalcitrant liar like Hillary wasn't even capable of acknowledging Anthony's juvenile prevarications. Hillary, if you recall, has already handled Bill's penile erections by denying every sexual allegation while ignoring all the evidence. This hard resolve no doubt has steeled her sensitivity to feeling only numbness on how all the voters really feel - this is why Hillary loses, she still really doesn't get it!

Hillary Clinton, being a New York resident, already knows of two other notorious female New Yorker Billionaires who went to prison who were self-confessed liberals and Democrats. One was Leona Helmsley, a NYC Hilton hotelier and Empire State Bldg owner and Martha Stewart, the Home Decor & Furnishings magnate.  

Leona Helmsley was 71,  sentenced in 1992 to 16 years, went to prison for 19 months, as a tax cheat. Leona Helmsley was reviled as the "Queen of Mean" by her employees as she  famously said, "Only the little people pay taxes." While ordering a manager to falsify a tax bill receipt, Helmsley exploded with tyrannical outbursts, shouting, "You're not my fucking partner! You'll sign what I tell you to sign." Most legal observers felt that Helmsley's hostile personality, arrogance, and "naked greed" alienated the jurors. She never showed contrition.

Martha Stewart, now 75, was 63 when sentenced in 2004 to 5 months in prison by a federal court in New York for lying to government investigators about the sale of her ImClone biomedical stock. At her sentencing after convicted of obstruction of justice, conspiracy, lying to federal authorities concerning the stock market, Martha arrogantly said, "It was a small personal matter." Her own attorney said, "That's hardly a small personal matter, that's a very public matter." He added to say, "Usually defendants are remorseful at this point in the proceedings, and she seems to be just the opposite of that." 

In the end, like her New Yorker sisters, Hillary Clinton, 69, will be convicted. So, she'll join Leona and Martha in their elite New York "Convicted Sisterhood Club" - where no one recognizes their OWN guilt or pays their own dues - instead they just charge it off to others as it's their own problem!