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Entries in Hillary leaves office sick (1)


Tim Kaine Takes Over Office as President

"Concealing one's true medical condition from the voting public is a time-honored tradition of the American presidency. William Henry Harrison, who died of pneumonia in April of 1841, after only one month in office, was the first Chief Executive to hide his physical frailties. Nine years later Zachary Taylor's handlers refused to acknowledge that cholera had put the President's life in jeopardy; they denied rumors of illness until he was near death, in July of 1850, sixteen months into his presidency. During Grover Cleveland's second term, in the 1890s, the White House deceived the public by dismissing allegations that surgeons had removed a cancerous growth from the President's mouth; a vulcanized-rubber prosthesis disguised the absence of much of Cleveland's upper left jaw and part of his palate. The public knew nothing about the implant until one of the President's physicians revealed it in 1917, nine years after Cleveland's death."

It's time to tell the truth about Hillary Clinton and her uphill battle with Parkinson's disease. Dr. Ted Noel will take you through with easy-to-understand layman's terms about a complicated medical condition, just like the actor Michael J. Fox. Many of the behind-the-scenes players within the Hillary for President Campaign are well aware of her accelerating state of ill health and are feverishly protective to hide it while Hillary is making public appearances.  

Time:  16.36

"Using John F. Kennedy's personal letters, Navy records, and oral histories, biographers and historians over the past twenty years have begun to fill in a picture of Jack Kennedy as ill and ailment-ridden for his entire life—a far cry from the paragon of vigor (or "vigah," in the family's distinctive Massachusetts accent) that the Kennedys presented. After a sickly childhood he spent significant periods during his prep school and college years in the hospital for severe intestinal ailments, infections, and what doctors thought for a time was leukemia. He suffered from ulcers and colitis as well as Addison's disease, which necessitated the administration of regular steroid treatments. And it has been known for some time that Kennedy endured terrible back trouble. He wrote his book Profiles in Courage while recovering from back surgery in 1954 that almost killed him." - The Atlantic Magazine, December 2002.

"When Kennedy ran for and won the presidency, he was essentially gambling that his health problems would not prevent him from handling the job. By hiding the extent of his ailments he denied voters the chance to decide whether they wanted to share this gamble. It is hard to believe that he could have been nominated, much less elected, if the public had known what we now know about his health." 

Do we repeat this FDR scenario with Hillary Clinton's condition today?

"It has been well known for some time that Roosevelt, FDR, went to great lengths to conceal how physically incapacitated he had been rendered by polio. If voters had known the truth about his generally deteriorating health in 1944, it is unlikely that they would have re-elected him a third time—but they did not know, and FDR died just three months into his fourth term, in April of 1945." 

...and so, Senator Tim Kaine becomes our next President!