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Entries in Ireland Healthcare Failures (1)


Obamacare Doesn't Need the Luck of the Irish!

Irish doctors on Strike - Protest Long Hours & Austerity

So you want Obamacare, but without any hiccups initially in the applications software program?--that's not even going to happen.

So you want Obamacare, but the insurance software program up and running rather quickly?--that's not even going to happen.

So you want Obamacare, but what do you get?--Read what Ireland got after seven years with National Healthcare services coverage doled out to the masses.

On October 8, 2013 Irish doctors went on strike at all of the country's public hospitals. They protested the tight budgeting, their first strike in twenty-five years. Does this portend a bleaker forcast for the Irish economy as the influence of the European Uniion weaknesses pervades into its member nations? 

The Irish Medical Organization represents 3,000 public-sector doctors which has escalated their dispute over work hours that endanger patients.

  • Work hours requirements were routinely stretched to as many as 36 hours straight, working 100 a week - the government does not dispute they violate the law too.
  • The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is estimated downward from 1.3% to an anemic growth of 0.2% this year, 2013.

The doctor strikes are a reflection of an ever-growing unrest as the new Ireland 2014 Budget will contain more spending cuts and greater tax increases for the seventh year in a row. Does all this sound like the future of Obamacare? --you bet!

We will need more than the 'Luck of the Irish', we need a big change in the 2014 and 2016 elections to rid our Senate and House of supporters of Obamacare. We must move away from the Obama European Union Socialist Healthcare model.