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Entries in IRS Targeting Conservatives (2)


Obama IRS Scandal: 2nd Verse Worst as the 1st!

"I want to make sure he is a ruthless son of a bitch, do what he's told, that every income tax I want to  see I see, that he will go after our enemies and not our friends. Now it's as simple as that. If he doesn't he doesn't get the job."  —President Richard Nixon, on appointing an IRS commissioner.

SHOCKER! The liberal left-wing political bias and prejudice against Conservative groups was proven rampant within the IRS Agency during the last two Obama national election cycles. Did you know that John Koskinen, the unbiased IRS Director, reported on his own 2013 income tax return that he personally contributed $100,000 to the Democrat Party?

Press ignores IRS beating down Conservative groups.IRS Commissioner John Koskinen

A House Ways and Means Committee staff analysis of the applications of 111 conservative and progressive groups applying for tax exempt status found conservative applicants faced, “more questions, more denials, more delays,” says committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich. That is, when the IRS sent groups letters asking for further information, conservative groups were asked more questions — on average, three times more. All of the groups with “progressive” in their name were ultimately approved, while only 46 percent of conservative groups won approval. Others are still waiting for an answer or gave up.

USA Today analysis determined that over a 27-month period, not a single Tea Party tax-exempt application was given the green light, while “dozens” of liberal applicants were rubber-stamped. 

Obama new story to tell "the folks." The IRS Director, John Koskinen had exhibited a blind eye, benign neglect and a true dereliction of duties with his abusive targeting of Obama political adversaries.

As the IRS investigations started, suddenly simultaneous destruction began of the seven individual disc drives storing emails of Lois Learner and six fellow IRS employees. It was a classic textbook operation of the basic step by steps of destroying hard evidence in Washington cover-ups as in the Nixon Erased Tapes 101 course.

David Ferriero, who heads the National Archives and Records Administration, told the House panel that the IRS "did not follow the law" when it failed to tell his agency about the loss of emails belonging to former IRS official Lois Lerner.

Now at the congressional hearings, Koskinen dubiously announced the IRS will conduct an "internal investigation into any criminal misconduct" after testifying that, "I saw no illegal wrong doings."  

...Ahem! So, the fox now takes care of the chickens in the hen house too? 


Obama IRS Audit Taxes The Real Truth  

IRS Owes No Apology!


Within the IRS scandal a debacle has emerged about two years of missing emails between the IRS, Lois Learner, and the White House during the IRS targeting of Conservative groups which is akin to the intentionally destroying of relevant evidence to foreseeable criminal proceedings. These actions, no doubt, helpedLois Learner, Director of the IRS Exempt Organizations Unit takes 5th amendment. to influence two Presidential election cycles to the benefit of the Obama campaigns. During the June 29, 2014 Congressional testimony, IRS Commissioner, John Koskinen's demeanor in front of the oversight committee was a combative, imperious display of arrogance. Koskinen exacerbated hostilities by obfuscating facts to questions and confuse the committee to further blur the charges brought against the IRS.

The Congressional claim about seven agency individuals at the IRS Department to haveIRS Commissioner John Koskinen simultaneous "well timed" hard drive computer crashes was summarily dismissed as the IRS Agency Commissioner John Koskinen said, "I don't think an apology is needed about Lois Learner's missing emails." ..."I don't think an apology is owed!"  Saay whaat?? Boy, I did not know that "back-up copies" or "proof of records" is now NOT required by the IRS when proving a fact-based defense against claims in any legal proceedings and NO apology is required either!

So who was siccing the most powerful "junkyard dog" of Federal government agencies against average individuals, middle class citizens who were not any big, huge political lobbyist groups? The president has refused to acknowledge that the IRS illegally targeted tea party groups in the run-up to his 2012 election. The president conceded though, in a one-on-one interview with Bill O'Reilly, “There were some bone-headed decisions out of a local office.” A visibly-annoyed Obama further stated, “[There was] not even mass corruption”...“Not even a smidgen of corruption.”

The IRS said, "The dog ate my homework Hard Drives!" and no one sees twenty-four months of lost evidentiary emails by seven IRS employees as collusion and wrong-doing. The Nixon tapes had a missing gap of 18 1/2 minutes which lead to a President to be driven from office, officials that were jailed and fined for a cover-up. So where is the call for a Special Prosecutor for this Obama political fiasco?