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Entries in Lightsquared (1)


Obamanomics - Business 101 - Beginner Basics

On Monday, May 21 President Barack Obama said, "Mitt Romney's background running private-equity firm Bain Capital is a poor qualification for the White House because...

"Being president involves more than

the ability to "maximize profits."


Obama teaches the "Analysis of Relationships built on self interest".

"If your main argument for how to grow the economy is, 'I knew how to make a lot of money for investors,' then you're missing what this job is about".

"It doesn't mean you weren't good at private equity, but that's not what my job is as president - My job is to make it fair for everybody, not just some."

Excuse me?? - That is exactly what the President's job does - help the economy grow the profits to raise up everybody! 

The Government only taxes and spends profits - The Private Business Sector makes profits for investors, profit sharing programs, trusts, pension funds, retirement annuities and government expenditures.

Does Obama even understand basic business principles? Obama is the President and CEO of the USA, the largest corporation in the world and doesn't know that his mission is enabling all businesses to generate profits to create jobs while making money for its investors, the American people?

Is that why Obama worked hard to lose U.S. Taxpayer's money invested in his Federal Government's central planning debacles in the General Motors bailout with the Chevy Volt electric car disaster, Solyndra Corporation solar panel mfg, Obamacare federal healthcare program, Amonix solar panel mfg and LightSquared broadband company?

Why is Obama attacking private enterprise and forcing socialist government programs onto Americans' backs?

It’s what you get when Government picks winners and losers.

It’s an ugly mix of lobbyists, campaign contributions, opaque bureaucracy, and Obama crony politics.