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Entries in Muslim Highjackers (1)


The Malaysia Flight 370 - 239 On Board to Where?

Conspiracy theories abound with wild conjectures, speculations and outlandish claims. However, in the middle of this brouhaha, a Retired Air Force General, Thomas McInerney, has made a measured, reasonable case for the who, what, why, where and how variables as this Malaysian Airlines incident has been unfolding. Gen. McInerney served as a pilot, commander and strategic planner in the U.S. Air Force. His insider knowledge in the avionics field, airline procedures, familiarity of commercial and military aircraft capabilities, personal connections with individuals in the DOD and the military complex adds up to a solid expert with excellent analysis supporting his assumptions. 


Time: 05:12

Retired Air Force General Thomas McInerney isn’t backing away from his thriller novel-like suggestion that the missing Malaysia Airlines flight could have very well landed in Pakistan — and he says his theory is based on more than mere conjecture. A former military officer is claiming the U.S. government "knows a lot more" than it is publicly revealing about the Malaysian jetliner that went missing more than a week ago.

Retired Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney said on Fox's "The Kelly File" that he suspects some type of criminal behavior and that it is possible the plane landed somewhere. He said all airfields in the area should be checked, including in Pakistan and in eastern Iran. Many have said it was a suicide pact to fly it out over the open ocean and crash, but according to Gen. McInerney their religion does not allow for it unlike their suicide bombers unless it is in the act of jihadi martyrdom. Since no known groups or people have come forward with any jihadist martyr declarations it has been ruled out.

The highly likely scenario is it's a high-jacking instead and his theory is based upon the fact that after the last radar contact with the plane that it took off Northeast, not Southwest as some have conjectured. The confusion of where it went afterwards was compounded by alleged fishermen spotting a low flying aircraft cruising low over the water in a southward direction and later subsequent satellite photos locating 'possible' crash debris floating far south in the Indian Ocean. This gave them more time to head in the opposite direction unnoticed without interference of search aircraft looking for it and then hide it. The 7,000 mile range fuel tank capacity certainly could fly the distance from Kuala, Lumpur to Beijing, China as well as to either Pakistan or Iran too.

This route could be flown on a sea track undetected by staying away from the shore lines outside the 200 mile international zone buffer where radar in the area is not reliably present. It further means that the jetliner easily could have flown undetected right up into Pakistan airspace, where al Queda leader, Osama bin Laden was hidden in a compound by the corrupt Pakistan government's ICI Agency, Inter Services Intelligence, near an active military base for ten years, a miles and a half from Islamabad, their capital. Iran is another excellent choice to fly into and hide a jetliner too. Gen. McInerney also added that the aircraft, by now, has been moved into a hanger or safely in an area hidden in either country by now.

"I know the U.S. government knows a lot more than they're talking about. And clearly, the NSA has a lot of data they're going through now ... I'm confident that the U.S. government has a much better picture than the Malaysian government and the Chinese government," McInerney said.  By the way, he said his own scenario outcome is at a 75% reliabiltiy rating. What is yours?