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Entries in Obama 2014 Super Bowl Interview (1)


Bill O'Reilly - Obama Match-up - Oh, How It Hurts!

All the pre-game hype screamed about the 'prime match-up' of the Denver Broncos' record-setting offense facing off against the Seattle Seahawks' rock-solid defense. No better than the Denver Broncos vs. Seattle Seahawks game (8-43), the highly touted 'high-stakes' banter about the O'Reilly vs. Obama interview was just as stellar a score with a victory of (0-0).

The subjects were divided into four areas, like game quarters, as Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS Targeting and Presidential Executive Powers covered the field of questions. I really don't believe O'Reilly ever tackled the POTUS to the ground once as O'Reilly never touched him as Obama tackled every question head-on to literally run out the clock. Scoring big with a 0-0, politically it means Fox's O'Reilly couldn't score on any of his points that were thrown out and the POTUS didn't have to score any points himself to tie it up by deflecting negative attacks.   

These four lines, at the 09:00 minute mark, are really all you need to know to summarize the O'Reilly-Obama Match-up interview before the Super Bowl XLVIII Game.

O'Reilly: Reading from a Fox viewer's letter of Cathy LaMaster, Fresno, CA, she asked, "Mr. President, why do you feel it's necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?"

Obama: "I don't think we have to fundamentally transform the nation."

O'Reilly: "But, those are your words."

Obama: POTUS completely ignores O'Reilly's comment and doggedly continues on, "I think what we have to do is make sure here in America that if you work hard you can get ahead. POTUS blathered on about a minute more on making opportunity for all.

O'Reilly frustrated, closed the interview commenting on the POTUS reply with, "You kept me off."--Nice Bill, Obama snookered you again... and Obama's game goes on!

My Final Analysis: My personal take-away from the O'Reilly-Obama interview was it wasThink Hardball! very difficult to watch without wincing. O'Reilly would kick off a question and start running down the field. Obama would catch it and run right back past O'Reilly's apparent weak defense, only stopping in O'Reilly's end zone with a touchdown. Some may say that Obama did an excellent job debunking right wing myths here, but that was simply not true. O'Reilly didn't seem to have any counter-strategies in his play book, so he just quit probing and moved on to the next question. It makes me wonder if Bill needed a teleprompter himself, Obama sure didn't this time. 

My suggestion: Get a real-life conservative interviewer who can not only think on his feet but really able to emote what our founding fathers had in mind, not luke-warm pap from a TV personality just looking for ratings points. So Bill, this was a tackle football game, not a softball game with the easy underhand pitches you lobbed to Obama - think hardball!