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Entries in Obama Foreign Policy Failure (1)


Obama Sends Drone Out Against Putin

President Obama today was so outraged about the downed Malaysian passenger jet that he sentUkraine separatists, Putin thugs, shooting at Ukrainians.  out a drone, our U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power, to speak out at the United Nations assembly to vehemently protest the Russian aggression in the Ukraine. As she was droning on and on, Ms. Power righteously cranked up a 'blame Putin' mode so that the administration could assign blame on them entirely for this latest outcome of tragedy. If anyone really stops to  think about this mess they will realize also that the Obama foreign relations and policies contributed heavily to this region's meltdown--with no direction or actual plans for actions going forward except for military troop reductions around the world. It's no wonder that countries globally are aggressors since their is no U.S. leadership at the top to wield peace through strength.  

Samantha Power called in the strongest words for U.N. actions against Putin, including full cooperation to investigate the missile downing of the Malaysian Airlines passenger jet. If Samantha's empty rhetoric is an attempt to shame or embarrass Putin, he doesn't care about the American viewpoint of morally right or wrong. But, the opinions that do matter to Putin are by the view of Russia globally as a leading world power with the size and reach of the former USSR with a credible military presence to support their colonial aggressions of nearby countries, i.e. Estonia, Latvia, Crimea and more. So, it's more like fear mongering to forcefully join Russia or suffer insurgencies and ultimately war--and there won't be the U.S. or NATO to protect you either.