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Entries in Obama Income (1)


The Obama Rules - Taxes to Pay our National Debt

See Warren Buffett's Finger Puppett. 

Do you feel like a "Chump" Taxpayer yet?

When is Obama's "Taxing the Rich Program", officially called "Paying a Fair Share Act", aka "The Buffett Rule", going to really pay down deficits while Obama's big government runs up more bills?  This is the ultimate Ponzi scheme that we all know as the Federal government paying forward, which is bankrupt.

Remember when Obama paraded out Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hatheway and Mark Zukerberg of Facebook to tout Obama's mantra?  Where are they now?

Warren & Barack at White HouseWarren Buffett is making millions each year and will pay taxes ...NOT!!  Buffett currently is contesting and fighting the IRS over his 2002-2009 $1 Billion in back taxes. He has already renounced the Obama tax plan which includes "The Buffett Rule". The "Buffett Rule" stipulates that those Americans who are making at least a million dollars per year should pay the same percentage of their earnings in taxes as those from the middle class. Now Warren is now saying, "It is not even close to being adequate or realistic as a significant tax source." Where is Buffett's fair Tax share payment?

Mark Zukerberg is planning the biggest IPO, Initial Public Offering, in the U.S. Stock Market's history, $100 Billion. He will be worthBarack & Mark - Palo Alto, CA Billions and he will pay Billions in income taxes! ...NOT!! 

If things go as planned, Zuckerberg will exercise $5 billion in Facebook options, and pay federal and state taxes of nearly $2 billion -- making him the largest single taxpayer in history. Sounds like he's a hell of a guy, doing his part to help the cash-strapped public sector.

But in reality, Zuckerberg be paying an actual tax rate of about 7 percent -- less than nearly all Americans.

Zuckerberg's stock will really be worth around $28 billion. But he won't have to pay any tax at all on most of it.

Zukerberg has set up four trusts for himself, wife, children and heirs, albeit, he has no wife, children or heirs as of yet.  It is a perfectly legal "tax avoidance" scheme that many rich, wealthy billionaires do.  You mean you have never heard of this, you, a part of the unwashed masses? Where is Zukerberg's fair Tax share payment?

You Stupid Middle Class Jerks!

V.I. Lenin - Russian Communist & Socialist Leader of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.When do you Wake Up about the Class Warfare of Socialists like Obama?