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Entries in Obama Military Strategies (2)


Free Syrian Army FSA Are Bad Actors

              Obama Refuses to call the 'Fight' with IS as a 'War'?                                   

It seems the only difference between the terrorists groups is that the moderate FSA, Free Syrian Army only wants to put a bullet in your head while the extremist IS, Islamic State only wants to behead you. Obama vetted these FSA soldiers and has supplied weapons. Obama calls FSA terrorists "Rebels". I call them "Murderers!"  Read on... Time to Face the Real Facts and Call it a War! 

Obama Has FSA Fight For Our U.S. Forces?

"The Obama administration has delivered weapons, supplies, and CIA-sponsored training to the Free Syrian Army. United States intelligence analysts estimate that the U.S. has had a hand in training as many as 20,000 FSA rebels. The U.S. reportedly provided the FSA with weapons such as rockets and TOW anti-tank missiles, which were supplied through back-channels in Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

"The Free Syrian Army originally formed in July, 2011, at the start of the Syrian civil war. The group was initially composed largely of defectors from Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian Armed Forces.

"Recent reports coming out of eastern Syria Monday revealed that several factions within the Syrian opposition force known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have pledged services to the Islamic State, the group formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). Sources and eyewitnesses said that the FSA has handed over its weapons to the Islamic State in large numbers.

"The Free Syrian Army (FSA)" was said to be a “moderate” and “secular” force, which was used as the rationale by U.S. officials to supply the opposition force with weapons and training.

"Sources told Homs, Syria-based Zaman Alwasl newspaper that several factions within the FSA, including Ahl Al Athar, Ibin al-Qa’im, and Aisha have pledged to support the Islamic State."

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 a spokesman for the Free Syrian Army said all of the area between Deir Ez-Zor, Syria, and the Iraqi border - a 90 mile stretch - has fallen to the Islamic State. The spokesman said that they not only controlled the territory, but had also taken over six Syrian oil and gas fields, along with a major pumping station that delivers oil to both Iraq and Syria. One of the captured oil fields included the al-Omar field, capable of producing 75,000 barrels of oil per day.

In a video proclamation, leaders in the town of al-Sahil said they “decided to swear allegiance” to the Islamic State and its leader: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. 

Shouldn't the U.S. itself go fight on its own terms in combat?



Obama Welcomes Goodluck in the White House

Goodluck & Barack get agreements.

Obama Foreign Policy

President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria and Obama share many things, especially our millions of dollars of aid and trade subsidies. In return Obama gets nothing, except empty promises in meaningless agreements.

This result is quite on par with one of the Obama Foreign Doctrine expectations that any talks are 'all go and no show'--to never get any guarantees or assurances in the end, except flowery Obama speeches. 

#BRINGBACKOURGIRLS Attack on Terrorists 

The Boko Haram want to overthrow the Nigerian government and set up Muslim rule. They have slaughtered over 10,000 Christians since 2009 according to many reports. Boko Haram insurgents who had kidnapped on April 14, 2014 the 276 teenage girls from a Nigerian boarding school, 53 escaped with horror filled stories to tell. So then, the U.S. "leaped into the rear" (not the front per Obama guidelines) to stand in line behind Chad, U.K., China and France. The U.S. had then dispatched eighty soldiers to guard a drone base in Chad that would be flying drones over Nigeria, but no U.S. troops on the ground in Nigeria.

Michelle put on her 'mean' face pout.So Michelle Obama really knows how to "Hash it out" to our enemies too! Those events escalated so much more that the U.S. First Lady Michelle joined forces with Barack to really ratchet up our heavy-hitting military response too.

Now, their Twitter rhetoric screamed out a very bold 'Hashtag', #BringBackOurGirls Twitter attack against the Boko Haram Islamists.

Euuwee...Scary stuff! Tweet! ...Tweet! ...Tweet! 
Don't you think that this will make those mean ole Boko Haram Islamists give the girls back and run for the hills?

The Boko Haram Internet Response: 

Time: 01.00

By "Bring back our army," he means "release all the captured Boko Haram fighters you're holding." There is no contrition or negotiation offered, only their demand to release military prisoners. Where is the fear in their eyes as they quake in their boots over the 'Obama Hashtag#' offensive?

WOW! This certainly looks like the Hashtag# offense didn't work!