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Entries in Obama Military Strategy (1)


Who's Surprised? - It's Déjà vu All Over Again!

"It's déjà vu all over again," said Baseball great Yogi Berra as he witnessed Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris repeatedly hit back-to-back home runs. Yogi was the 'King of Malaprops' who twisted sentences, got word syntax or meanings backwards that sometimes were in a world unto themselves. His malaprops were legend.

President Obama speaks not in malaprops but clearly in very awkward blends of moralizing riddles and vagaries rather than specifics. Obama serves up a salad bowl full of words at press conferences to fill up his press time with blustery rhetoric and with lengthy filibusters cutting into time for questions. In plain words, he is no more than an empty suit with no guts or backbone to stand up for America; a sad commentary for Presidential United States military readiness.

On August 28, 2014, when asked about his specific plans for fighting the Islamic State, President Obama stated, "He had no strategy." Jaws dropped in disbelief as Obama uttered that sorrowful admission by the President of the United States. Who does Obama think he is anyway, a banana republic W.H. Press Secretary, Josh Earnest.despot running by the seat of his pants? Both political parties took a Josh Earnest has a mess to wipe up; so, it's not over until the paperwork is done.deep breath, exhaled and needed time to revive their senses. Did they really, really hear this right? Obama looked more like Mayberry's resident idiot, Deputy Barney Fife as he side-stepped all around his own stinky rhetoric to sidled out the White House press room door. Obama left the stench behind as his poor press secretary, Josh Earnest stood by ready to clean up after it, Obama did another pooh.