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Entries in Political Humor (1)


Humorist Will Rodgers -1932 Style Politics in 2012


"I don't want your vote for what I've done, but what I am going to do!"

The one minute message below will be airing in all swing states as the 2012 Presidential Election Day approaches.  Please take sixty seconds to watch it as it shows how important it is to know your facts on who said what in the debates.   


Time 1:00

The Romney Campaign is truly gaining momentum as their electioneering races toward winning the hearts of the electorate to clinch the Presidential nomination.  There are few voters left standing that have not heard all of the campaign rhetoric that has been spewed out into the media outlets.  It has taken a lot of voter patience, especially in the "swing states", to overcome the barrage of TV ads, radio commercials and social media.

Wil RogersIt still is important to understand what is said in a campaign, but far more to know who said it. That sounds like common sense; but Will Rodgers, the famous humorist and social commentator of 1920-30, said, “Common sense ain't common.” I guess Obama has doubled down since stating, "My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years." because the quote at the very beginning, at the top of my blog was also said last week in an Ohio stop-over last week by Barack Obama too.

After analyzing those two quotes, I think Joe Biden took lessons from Barack Obama.  Maybe a whole bunch of folks don't know about other gaffes and political high-jinks that have been done because they wrongly attribute more to George Romney than he deserves.  Take a look at the video below, for the proof is in the pudding:


Time 7:34

I don't think politics has changed much, do you?  LOL!

"If this depression stays with us, the loser Tuesday is going to be the winner." Nov 4, 1932 ~ Will Rodgers on the Franklin Roosevelt- Herbert Hoover Election.