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Entries in statist values (1)


A Real New Years Promise - A Longer Life Span

A very significant fact was released in December, 2014 by the highly regarded nonprofit Society of Actuaries on the new mortality estimates. It is showing the average 65-year-old U.S. woman is expected to live to 88.8 years, up from 86.4 in 2000. A 65-year-old U.S. Man is expected to live 86.6 years, up from 84.6 in 2000.

Looking ahead as a country, we viewed that our healthcare system has served us well up to 2015. The impressive proof of longer lifetimes are the good news, especially since most people are healthy in the bargain. However, it may be for some a Faustian bargain, a deal with the devil, if one's life is long yet ill-health plagues them until their dying day.

As it has been reported, ten thousand people a day are turning sixty-five years old and retiring under Medicare coverage. It is, however, the perfect storm as the impending danger of Medicare's financial collapse is due to the Obamacare Program debacle draining Medicare's operating funds transferred over to support it but also is driving up costs for Medicare patients seeking healthcare services. The Obama Presidential legacy is littered with all the trappings of failed big governmental meddling in the very fibers of our dynamic democracy. As his last term finally winds down, Obama still continues feverishly to further his progressive, socialist ruination of the nation. 

Obama is a statist who believes the state is greater than the sum of its parts and that individuals have a moral obligation to serve the state. His collectivist values are the embodiment of Barack Obama's core plan to destroy free markets and control free speech. It means the Federal government of the state controls, owns and distributes as it sees fit all of our private properties, personal civil rights as it dictates how and where we live too. The United States Constitution is not upheld or even followed closely as it is written either. [Go to our site "Search Box" at top right & Input "UN Agenda 21" or click on link here: UN Agenda 21 to see more about Obama's plans he has for us.]

There are more highly organized left-wing, socialist activists working out in the streets too. No doubt you2015 NYC New Year celebration revelers with protesters.'ve heard about and seen the New York City protests that were conducted during the 2015 New Years eve celebration.

A very revealing photo surfaced and was freely distributed around news outlets. In it, there were some protesters marching against the Grand Jury findings in the Ferguson, MO police officer involved shooting. It pictured a specific social profiling of participants as the majority of the protesters were all of the correct ethnicity, mostly Blacks, along with a few Whites to hold up the signs, all professionally printed letter-perfect too; and also they shouted out rhythmically their scripted programmed chants. Another interesting demographic was there weren't any older people in the picture and they all looked to be in their late teens into their twenties which are much more amenable age to agitate radicalization. So, it had all the outward signs of a very well organized, orchestrated, professionally run protest rally by agents of manufactured unrest. Can I back up my claims?--Read the next paragraph and you decide.

One last thing to mention is at the bottom of all of the signs was a dot com organization's name, REVCON.US, which seemed innocent enough until I clicked on it--and then when you do that, you will know the rest of the story too!

We have a new year ahead of us filled with 365 opportunities to defend our country's Constitutional liberties as well as others around the world. There are 190 countries in the world, so we cannot be the global police force due to our available resources, both human and financial assets. However, we must build an unwavering resolve to build our backbone of defense back up along with our strong voice for the defense of global democracy too. Our President's word must be the gold standard for truth and the guarantee of swift action when tendered. 

So the promise of your longer life need not be a deal with the devil, but it will be a devil of a problem as Barack Obama's many programs deliberately get into full swing like Obamacare after he leaves office. Remember that Obama today is vastly different than what he promised during his first presidential primary run as he was not going to nationalize everything but only “the commanding heights of the economy.” Everyone seemed blissfully unaware of the Marxian roots of that expression and that tactic. Apparently, it is getting harder to distinguish between classic Marxism and liberal thought.

So, Obama is in an ongoing process, like an administrative amoeba, constantly changing, growing, transforming himself--and us. We no longer have laws, we have mandates as all of the branches of the government have been collapsed into one, the all-powerful Presidential branch. Are we all doomed to this Faustian deal?--Only our next presidential elections will tell.

"Maybe I did well and maybe I led the battle but nobody ever said we were going to win this thing at any point in time. Eternal vigilance is required and there have to be people who step up to the plate, who believe in liberty, and who are willing to fight for it." -- Milton Friedman, PhD Economist, Nobel Laurette (1912-2006)