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Entries in Supreme Court Laws (1)


Straight Talk on the Gay Issue - Everyone's Rights

In the 5-4 ruling, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority with the four liberal justices. Each of the four conservative justices wrote their own dissent.

I  have objections to the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that same-sex couples can marry nationwide, establishing a new civil right under the fourteenth amendment.  Based upon my own personal religious Christian beliefs it is Biblically wrong as marriage is defined as the union of a man and woman and for procreation of children. However, I will still respect Constitutional laws even as wrongly they have been adjudicated. Furthermore, I respect all Americans' rights and so do not respect anyone who cannot uphold every U.S. citizens' rights too. 

With that all said, if the newly created legal class of private citizens wish to be recognized and not discriminated against then they must also acknowledge and respect other private citizen's rights too. It is reverse discrimination to infringe on another private citizen's personal rights, religious or not, when they choose to not participate, support or conduct activities they deem as promoting same-sex marriages and activities--this does not in any way extend to secular public sector agencies, institutions or government businesses.

So this newly created sexual class is no panacea to a perfect union either, since about forty-five percent of marriages end in divorce according to the calculations of Robert Schoen and Vladimir Canudas-Romo (2006)

It is however that the issue is also less about couples marrying and more afterwards about the welfare of the children, especially in divorce cases--and that has nothing to do with gender identity, sexual proclivity or as a transsexual since everyone now is a gender neutral entity when married under U.S. Constitutional laws.

I then wonder how the issues of divorce and children brought up by a single parent will be for children. What happens as some divorced partners get really ugly and combative as child custody battles are fought which affect most children their whole lives? After all, the Supreme Court ruling will now treat every married couple equally under the same standards which means that any child custody or children put up for adoption must have same gender parents, not gender mixed with a male and female as it will further confuse the children's psyche during their stressful divorce proceedings.

In creating a new gender class the U.S. Supreme Court have played God. Their job as the ultimate Supreme creator is not over yet.  Now they must effect a balance in nature to insure this new class of survival or it either dies immediately or can evolve eventually into extinction--so the Supremes must further provide even more new ground rules and far-reaching class protections for that uncharted legal universe--further fulfilling God's role, one they can never really do. After all, in the real world nature runs it own course where it's the survival of the fittest.

All the gay activists ignored the real issue: The state voters locally should make their own choices and not the Federal government. Under the banner of "Gay Rights" the Supreme Court passed a law that is unconstitutional and this ruling is only the beginning of Federal Government's further erosion of private citizen's rights with the states' sovereign rights. All state decisions are now being abridged and trampled on by Federal Supreme Court intrusion disregarding Constitutional Laws left to the voters in the individual states.