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Entries in Syrian War Costs (1)


Syrian War Costs - Obama Bills U.S. Taxpayers 

Syrian rebels loading explosives into bombs. Americans did not start, enter or fight in the Syrian Civil War, but if Obama has his way, U.S. Taxpayers will now pay billions of dollars to end it anyway. ...Say whaaat?

"With a U.S. attack on Syria on hold, Western-backed rebels said they feared they had lost their best chance of promptly ousting President Bashar al-Assad and sidelining Islamist extremists.

Rebels in Syria, already frustrated with delays in promised U.S. military aid, said on Wednesday that they gave up on the prospect of decisive foreign help after President Barack Obama asked Congress to delay a vote on striking Syria."(1) 

Obama and Putin are floating a disarmament agreement proposal to capture, store and destroy Syrian chemical weapons and stockpiles "under international controls"--a simple answer for a complicated, risky problem. It will require guarded, secured, safe sites and time, years, literally decades spending billions of dollars to safely and effectively destroy serious chemicals. Want to bet who is going to be funding this program? ...The American people of the United States? After all, the United States has had plenty of experience of its own and knows what it will really take--read below what Americans have already learned.    

"The U.S. has been systematically destroying its chemical weapons since the 1970s, but the job of eliminating nerve gas and other agents will take another decade because of the hazards of the disposal process, U.S. officials and weapons experts said. "Safety is over-engineered into these things and that takes time," said Greg Mahall of the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Activity, which has oversight over U.S. stores of chemical weapons and for the majority of the destruction of chemical weapons."(2) 

Under the "Russian Capitulation - Obama War Powers Surrender Plan" we do not attack Syria in exchange to seize Syrian chemical weaponery.

Why hasn't Obama also mentioned yet that the U.S. Taxpayers actually pick up the entire clean-up tab for years? Maybe it's showing even more weaknesses Mr. Community Organizer?

Does any world leadership take Barry Soetoro's word really seriously anymore?

Hello? ...Anybody listening out there?