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Entries in Trump Military Build-up Program (1)


Obama is a Son of a Whore!

In September, 2016 this was an exact quote of Rodrigo Duarte, the President of the Philippines, to describe Barack Obama, our United States President. Personally, I have never heard anything publicly announced ever like this before since I can remember which is nearly seventy years. China, although, is jubilant as this breakdown of U.S. relations with the Philippines leads the way for less obstruction to the Chinese dominance over the South China Seas, a strategic shipping lane for all world trade, which China is currently taking over control with impunity and not much opposition anywhere from anyone.

Since his bold whore remark, President Duarte proposed removing long-time Philippine U.S. military advisors, then announced he was shopping in Russia and China for military supplies as he was declaring an end to joint U.S-Philippines naval exercises in the South China Sea.  - This is how effective our military defense budget is being well spent to defend the Phillipines!

Wow, this really looks like President Obama really is a son of a whore. He has whored out all our military might into inconsequential strategic alliance relativity. Our feckless President has relegated our military stature into the waste bin, garbage can with third world also-ran banana-republic dictatorships.

Please, lets get Hillary elected so she can follow up more with of these same kinds of feckless, impotent military policies