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Entries in Trump vs linton (1)


Just waking Up About What Trump Says?

Are you just waking up America?  Are you all saying why is Donald Trump just ranting now in this election cycle with all of his campaign rhetoric about China and others ripping us off?  Have you been asleep for the past twenty-five plus years?  Oh yeah, you think I am insulting your power of memory cognition you say? ...Well, do the math and see the answer!

ANSWER:  So if today, in 2016, you are just an eighteen year old voter or for that matter a forty year old voter, even worse, you are still way too young to remember much of anything from that year, 1991.  After all,  you were either born back then in 1991 which means were just a newborn baby or if you were around at the age of fifteen you were really not into politics much at that age, just pimples. Another reality check:  You had to be born in 1973 to be eighteen in 1991 in order to vote. Before March 1971, you had to be twenty-one to vote and born in 1950. LOL!

Has this reality about age set in yet? For the people who are educated, you have no doubt read George Orwell's "The Animal Farm" and others who have not are basically screwed with little exposure to how to validate truth in a factual sense.

In this book which is acclaimed as the definitive tale of how societal indoctrination occurs, the farm animals are depicted as people living on a farm. The ingenious pigs become the totalitarian leaders which lead to a downfall of democratic rights in lieu of communist rule. In the beginning the rules of basic governance are written down in mud on the side of the barn for all animals to then see and remember as laws already past by everyone. Then as nightfall becomes darkness, the pigs sneak out to wash and change words and key phrases. With every new day all the animals awaken to see those same looking mud-written rules but soon forgetting exactly what was previously written. So, they still blindly follow them anyway. 

Voila! ...Now you see how the liberal "mainstream media" rewrites our history every day to sell the wrong facts to indoctrinate young, new voters?      

Time: 03:11

So is Trump guilty as charged about switching what he says now for today's campaign talk or has he been doing it consistantly for a long time? ...Like 28 years years ago? You be the judge!  ...Are you even old enough to remember the Oprah interview in 1988? I do. ...I was then 42 years old!

By the way, if you are forty years old today, you were only twelve years old then! Oh really?