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Entries in U.N. Agenda 21 (2)


Sandy Hook Shooting & U.N. Agenda 21

Oh my God! ...another Columbine High School event, etc., etc., etc.  So lock down the schools, hire armed security guards, put up razor wires on the fence tops, patrol the grounds, confiscate all fire arms and install metal detectors too!

Paranoia strikes suddenly and deep which paralyzes people's Student metal detectorsthoughts, actions and solutions to overcome the root causes. After the chaos settles, the first step should be to determine who did this heinous crime. The shooter was a sociopath, one who does not understand his actions or place the ultimate blame or guilt for his own actions. Why he did this is simple, he does not know and cannot reduce to reason any of his actions to sane logic or behavior. 

Can we stop these crimes with tighter gun controls? Don't forget though, O.J. killed Nicole and Ron with a knife and drunks kill with a car. What can anyone do to stop this violence against others? In most cases, in a word, nothing. Ironically, at Columbine a teacher ran to his car glove box, grabbed his handgun, returned to the baseball field and pinned down the shooters before police arrived preventing more deaths.  That was never mentioned in the press. Otherwise however, it will still happen ad infinitum as the Bible itself will attest to many past historical atrocities centuries ago. 

In this particular case, as in other recent killings, the perpetrator gets away by killing himself. He leaves behind no explanations, just prima facia crime scene evidence and attributed hearsay by those who knew him.  It still does not get into his own unique mind for finding answers and better yet on what could have been done to prevent the atrocity.  So what should be done?

It's not about Metal Detectors at schools, it's about Mental Detectors!

As a part of comprehensive annual student health evaluations, a more proactive ongoing comprehensive program may reveal red flags on student behavior and attitudes. This could include periodic standard mental acuity tests, teacher evaluation reports as deemed necessary, parental input as requested, any student records about conduct discipline and possible treatment recommendations.  Current HIPPA Laws concerning student privacy should be followed, but now allowing for parental notification regarding high at-risk profiles which require immediate attention or treatment.

Student wanded at entryThis program would be less costly to administer due to targeting a segment of the student population for follow-up and treatment as necessary. The balance of the studentbody would experience minimal disrruption in their campus activities while avoiding to stigmatize all students under a constant threat of violence.   

This program is now in place in many schools, but like so many public funded schools it is not followed.  Like the school voucher system, it is a great idea if fully implemented for all school students. Where is all the tax money being spent?

All of these shootings fit into the Obama scenario and narrative about gun violence with gun registration and confiscation on his agenda. So, watch out soon for Obama running an end game around our government regulations to sign into law by executive order the United Nations control of our guns in the sovereign land of the United States of America.


Groundhog Day Again 

Well, it's Four Years Later - DeJaVu

Mission accomplished:  Obama elected.  Country dejected.

The Republican predictions of a Presidential win on November 6, 2012 was as elusive as theIt's Groundhog Day in waking up to another Obama morning again. shadow that is seen by Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog. Just like the Bill Murray movie comedy, Groundhog Day, it looks like the reappearance of Barack Obama every day is the new reality show.

Albert Einstein - "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results."

This quote from Albert Einstein is one that most of us have seen before – several times. And it often pops up when you see how easy it is to slip into repeating ways of doing things wrong! It always happens when we are intentionally trying to get different results - witness the reelection of Obama.

This has been a typical Obama campaign, again, of offering nothing more or anything better other than aspiring to being reelected. I am saddened, not surprised, that Obama had been running with a partisan, class-based attack campaign. There was no mandate proposed at all for the Republicans to be drawn into any coalition leaving no room for bipartisan cooperation which just left more growing polarization and wider division of the country which is depressed - despondent - dispirited - downcast.

Fiscal Cliff Ahead - A Reality

No Change of Balance of Power

Fiscal Spending Sign Post Ahead - Forecast Bad Weather in Gobbler's Knob - Punxsutawaney, PA - Phil's HometownIf the sequestration, cutting the defense budget, and if the tax cuts expiration, the Bush tax rates, are not addressed then these will lead the economy into a "double-dip" recession. So, get ready for inflated prices, sky-rocketing interest rates and a more depressed jobs market.

Obama called for reaching out to both parties at his acceptance speech. However, many from both sides see this as solely mere campaign rhetoric.

Obama did not have any plans during his first four years and his "lame duck" second term will also be disastrous with no budget plan and an even split of power between the control of the Democrat Senate and Republican House. With less than two months to come up with a budget deal, it's gridlock and it's set to explode on Jan. 2 unless Congress acts quickly to stop it.

What exactly is the crisis? To start with, the act has already cut $45 billion from the defense budget for next year and nearly another half-trillion (yes, with a "t") dollars over the next 10 years.

An outlying strategy brought up by both sides at the start which was not voiced loudlyReporting Punxsutawney Phil's Predictions easier than the U.S. Budget because of their upcoming elections and now afterwards looks even more eminent now. It is a "kick-the-can down the street" strategy passed again because Obama needs another year to haggle a budget out. This predictable outcome will be welcomed by both sides to provide them further political cover while both sides attempt behind the scenes to arrive at a consensus, a typical political ploy which has not worked well under the Obama adminsitration. 

U.N. Agenda 21 Treaty

Obama Wake-Up Call

Most Americans are unaware that one of the greatest threats to their freedom is a United Nations program known as U.N. Agenda 21 about social engineering and communitarianism. Obama will push forward with United Nations Agenda 21 that he and Hillary Clinton has been putting together for the past two years. Shortly, possibly in December 2012, Obama will sign the Agenda 21 World Governance Treaty over United States sovereignty, welcome to One-World Government control.

Obama Redistribution Follies

It's Groundhog Day Again!

FYI; Punxsutawney Phil Sowerby is a groundhog resident of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. On February 2 (Groundhog Day) of each year, the town of Punxsutawney celebrates the beloved groundhog with a festive atmosphere of music and food. During the ceremony, which begins well before the winter sunrise, Phil emerges from his temporary home on Gobbler's Knob, located in a rural area about 2 miles (3.2 km) east of town. According to the tradition, if Phil sees his shadow and returns to his hole, he has predicted six more weeks of winter-like weather. If Phil does not see his shadow, he has predicted an "early spring.