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Entries in U.N. Internet Control. (3)


Obama Gives Up Internet to U.N. in 2015

The U.S. only invented, developed and paid for the entire Internet network and we are just giving it away. In another Obama "Kumbayah" (Lord Come By Here) warm, fuzzy moment with a cozy "one-world" global government hug, the United States relinquishes control and global supremacy in Internet information technology and innovation to U.N. International politics and corrupt countries. 

The U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration, NTIA, will end its formal relationship with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICANN, in late 2015. ICANN is now developing a new global governance model to manage technical functions and IP names and addresses, the NTIA agency said. 

The NTIA plans to let its contract with ICANN to operate key domain-name functions expire in September 2015, while requiring the organization to develop a new global Internet governance model, NTIA administrator Lawrence Strickling said during a press conference.

Under the U.S. Department of Commerce, NTIA is working with other countries' governments and international organizations to discuss and reach consensus on relevant Internet policy issues. Honestly, let me ask you: How has the United Nations worked out for world commerce? Peace and war initiatives? Hmn...I don't hear a lot of enthusiasm from you! So then, How is the NTIA going to arrive at any relevant international Internet policies with these same governmental bodies?--Read below for two actual instances internationally and domestically of 'Free Speech Internet Practices.'

1. Spurring censorship fears, on March 15, 2014 Bejing China's largest listed Internet company, Tencent Holdings Ltd., deleted at least 30 popular accounts that send news updates to users on the WeChat mobile messaging application to "crack down and deal with" any content distributed on WeChat that violated laws, policies and regulations. Coming amid a sustained government crackdown on online discourse, the step appeared to be one of the most public and wide-scale to date taken by Tencent to reign in public discussion of politics on WeChat, which now has more than 270 million monthly active users. 

Does the current U.N. Agenda 21 apply here too? - Every Internet participant is a citizen in the World Internet Global Society and most agree that online piracy is wrong. It stifles creativity as well as stunts growth because it discourages not only original ideas but artistic expressions too. After all, who wants their efforts and works they created stolen by someone unduly assuming original credits or enriching themselves momentarily?--The argument sounds reasonable, or is it?

Of course, this U.N. Plan is "voluntary"; even so, H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton signed it anyway. It is a plan to develop globally, locally and nationally collective population-environmental plans to control municipal planning and individual activities, including personal choices, i.e., Internet network guidelines to control collective ideas a la Orwell's 1984 scenario or like China's empty high-rise cities which are the result of Agenda 21 city planning on a massive scale. (No one lives in any of them) 

2. Waiting for better timing until after the 2012 Presidential elections; in 2013, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was pushed by Obama. In the pursuit of protection from copyright infringement icripples Internet freedom as it masks massive underlying problems of government infringement on our free speech rights too. With its intrusive powers it allows heavy-handed enforcement to bully legislation over responsible individuals or Internet sites by exerting onerous, ambiguous regulations and expensive litigation which could accomplish the same damaging effects as piracy by destroying Internet freedoms to create or share information. It was proved to be politically designed by Obama to curb conservative talk radio and television shows and was resoundingly defeated before it became law. 

Obama has pushed for 'Net Neutrality' to have 'balanced programs' for everyone--it's nonsense! That was true in the early era of T.V. aerials and limited 'on-air' broadcasters. But today, we have Broadcast stations, Cable stations and Internet providers who put on their shows with opposing formats over a viewing audience who votes with their own remote controls on which kind of the hundreds of stations they watch: left, right, independent, libertarian or whatever.  Obama hasn't got it passed yet, but he would love to control the program content if he could, so watch out!

WARNING: So what can we foresee?

How about the upcoming restrictive U.N. Internet Agency regulations and controls?

They will be announced upon the U.N. 2015 roll out after the politicians have assured Internet users, 'You'll see no changes.' But, they have already announced that various 'private' organizations and companies will be involved too. What is that vague reference all about?

How about the high exclusionary costs to many Internet users? 

I think that the politicians, by the way, are looking at the Internet as the 21st Century's next version of the U.S. Post Office. It is another rich organization to tax as a 'mail carrier', albeit, 'e-mail.' The U.S. Postal union and SAIC are salivating about those possibilities too--be wary.

It's also a cash cow for the United Nations to charge for the I.P. addresses and names registration fees along with U.N. international access charges, U.N. annual license fees--business & personal rates, U.N. internet band use taxes and U.N. internet carbon taxes and U.N. operations surcharges. Additional local, state and federal surcharges and taxes under the current FCC laws will apply too. 

Get ready for billions of dollars to disappear into corrupt politicians' pockets or for various U.N. countries' regional 'access fees.' 

It's Not Too Late - Contact Your Senator & Tell Him No!


Another Blow for Internet Freedom - ICCAN

STFU! Moscow Controls Internet Speech


STFU! ...Oops! BTW, it's not the acronym for the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union founded in 1934, LOL! President Vladimir Putin just signed into law to restrict the use of profanity to reinforce what the Kremlin calls traditional values in Russia. This line item is contained within their Internet bill to tighten controls over speech and the Internet.  

Bloggers with more than 3,000 daily page views will be subject to hefty fines for profanity beginning in August, 2114. The laws do not define what the 'foul language' is which leaves the totalitarian Putin regime wide latitudes in levying restrictions, incarcerations and fines.

Obama recently signed an executive order transferring in 2015 the United States based management of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) controls over to the United Nations body and a yet "unnamed group of people" as an international board legislating regulations of the who, what, why and when on how the World Wide Web, WWW, runs on the Internet.

Are those international panel members that will administrate the proposed 'United Nations ICANN Organization' oversight going to be all inclusive with like-minded thinkers as in Russia? If so, we are in "Deep SH*T" since this is to be the case. Then, look out for them levying onerous user financial burdens like punishing excesses of access fees, service rates and government licenses.

Look out for the ICANN panel members' stringent U.N. Internet guidelines to curb free expression and discourse.  This will all emanate from those freedom loving "civil rights advocate nations" like China, Myanmar, Iran, Albania, Cambodia, etc.--only kidding, but sadly it is the cold harsh fact!

Get Your Voice Heard & Email Your Representatives!

 ~ It is a Non-Partisan Issue ~

~ Americans Owe their Freedom to our Laws -  So does the Internet ~


To Email your U.S. Congressional Representatives. 

Click on: Enter your home "Zip Code" and it will list by their Names and Internet sites. Click on to their individual "Official Website" and type into their email message box: "Do Not transfer ICANN to UN" and send--it's that easy and it will take a second to do it too! 

You Are Crazy if You Don't Email Congress!

Please Send this out to your Friends Now!


Internet to be Controlled by the United Nations

Stop UN Regulation & Fees on the Internet


Obama is waiting to unveil until after the 2012 Elections to curb "right-wing" conservative talk radio and like Internet sites. Secretly, behind closed doors, the nations of the world are negotiating a treaty — initiated by Russia and China — to regulate the Internet through the United Nations. The only reason we know about these talks in the first place is through a WikiLeaks anonymous posting by a participant in the talks. That and the fact that a signing ceremony has been scheduled in Dubai in December of 2012 that Secretary of State Clinton is attending.

The Russian and Chinese play to get control of the Internet is one of the major themes in the new book Here Come the Black Helicopters: UN Global Governance and the Loss of Freedom written by Dick Morris. The world learned of these negotiations only because Jerry Brito and Eli Dourado, George Mason University researchers, set up a website called WCITLeaks and encouraged anyone with knowledge of the negotiations to make an anonymous posting detailing their progress. Someone responded on June 12 of this year posting a 250-page synopsis of the proposed treaty and the talks surrounding it.

The World Internet Global Society

Crippling Internet freedom in the pursuit of protection from copyright infringement also masks massive underlying problems of government infringement on our free speech rights. Every Internet participant is a citizen in the World Internet Global Society and most agree that online piracy is wrong. It stifles creativity as well as stunts growth because it discourages not only original ideas but artistic expressions too. After all, who wants their efforts and works they created stolen by someone unduly assuming original credits or enriching themselves monetarily? 

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) with its intrusive powers allows heavy-handed enforcement to bully legislation over responsible individuals or Internet sites by exerting onerous, ambiguous regulations and expensive litigation which could accomplish the same damaging effects as piracy by destroying Internet freedoms to create or share information.  

You Must Contact Your State Senators!

I believe that the Federal Communications Commission more than likely will ultimately enforce these SOPA regulations. This FCC is the same agency that Obama wants to administer the "Fairness Doctrine" that Obama is waiting to unveil until after the 2012 Elections to curb "right-wing" conservative talk radio and like Internet sites. (Too much regulation before an election is bad karma) These regulations will make a "more level broadcast playing field" on the airwaves because the "right-wing" talk shows will by law have to give up a percentage  of their net profits to subsidize the "left-wing" talk shows and offer programming time slots on the same stations or web sites too. What happened to listener ratings that dictate what programs that the people want to hear or the capitalistic motive of advertising profits to support a show too?

These SOPA regulations would require service providers to either block access or detach search engine links. However, the way to regulate the internet is to not to let Congress and the Justice Department dictate how to conduct Internet business. Instead, users need to learn that the illegal Copyright infringers can't make it if any users don't buy it. It is through the same type of public instruction programs that have taught personal self-regulations on how to drive automobiles safely to avoid accidents or use seat belts or possibly to use green conservation rules to reduce pollution or prevent littering.  Internet user awareness, attitudes and practices can be changed with current copyright and patent laws respected by users while laws should be enforced against violators.

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