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Entries in U.S. Fiscal Crisis (1)


Let's Play with Obamopoly Money

Financial collapses may have different immediate triggers, but they all originate from the same cause: an explosion of credit.

Make no mistake; the United States is drowning in debt and there are only two viable options – a global economic depression or very high inflation. Today Obama and our policymakers have chosen the latter option and we will experience the trauma of severe inflation given that the ability of the Federal Reserve printing presses to create confetti money Inflation whichObama, Biden & Bernake printing more Monopoly money. would make America’s debt more manageable, but it would also dilute the purchasing power of the dollar - forget about selling more U.S. treasury bonds to China as their burgeoning national debt problems are curbing their appetite to consume more U.S. debt. The net effect is that America has run out of choices since the Federal Reserve will not be able to print enough money to inflate away this mountain of debt, the biggest sovereign default in world history is guaranteed.

Monopoly Treasury NotesThe next potential impending risk for another historical financial tsunami is greatest in China's shadow banking system.  Because of very low-yield for savings by Chinese banks (since deposit rates are regulated) and competition among banks for deposits and new fee-generating businesses, a complex, unregulated shadow banking system has emerged and grown significantly in China in the last few years. Typically, the shadow banking system pushes something called "wealth management products," which are short-term financial productsMr. Monoply - empty pockets & dirt poor. yielding a much higher rate than bank deposits for investors. To evade regulatory oversight, these products do not appear on a bank's balance sheet.

The shadow banking system also has another major function: channeling funds to borrowers or activities explicitly banned by government regulation.  In the last two years, the Chinese State Council has tried to deflate the real estate bubble by limiting bank loans to real estate developers.  But banks can skirt such restrictions by ostensibly lending to each other, with the funds ultimately going to financially stretched real estate developers.

One thing is evident here:  Either we should not believe our "lying eyes" or Obama and the Chinese banks are trying to hide the mother of all debt bombs ready to explode!

"Low Yield Bonds & High Yield Bombs"

Doesn't anyone get it? Community Organizers really do not!