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Entries in US loses border security (1)


Hillary's Hemispheric Hemorrhoids

The WikiLeaks file dump has exposed a severe case of constipation or diarrhea that can cause real hemorrhoids - Hillary Clinton's chronic case of piles are dreams for a world with “open trade and open borders.”

“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere,” Hillary Clinton said on May 16, 2013, in a paid speech to Banco Itau, according to the leaked Podesta documents.

U.S. taking unlimited "Immigrants" on board!

In the globalist future, political and business titans will stand atop the world, without having to worry about fulfilling annoying duties to grubby little voters with nostalgic memories of the days when American politicians served America’s interests. Globalism means you’ll never be able to vote against anything or anyone coming across the borders - Hello EU countries!

So this is an incredible revealing statement that Hillary is going to the American people right now claiming that Donald Trump made errors 10 or 20 years ago whereas Hillary is perpetuating one of the greatest false campaigns ever saying she is going to have a lawful system of immigration when Hillary has no intention whatsoever to do so. 

How do you get rid of the Hillary's Hemispheric Hemorroids? - Vote It Out! 

The Virtual Echo Chamber of News Pundits & Media are Hillary's Megaphone.

Donald Trump is The Choice, Not an Echo!