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2020 Time Capsule - Open 3020 - Only Time Will Tell

I received a very insightful synopsis about the state of our republic and what is now ahead.  Well done and on target, it fills in many missing facts unreported in the deep state media gaps. Here are 12 points exposed, never publicly revealed entirely, never adjudicated in courts, never excoriated in the media, and never punished for crimes. 


  • You have just witnessed a coup, the overthrow of the US free election system, the end of our constitutional republic, and the merge of capitalism into the slide toward socialism. 
  • For those who don't get it! Now you understand why there was never any action against the Clintons or Obama, how they destroyed emails and evidence and phones and servers, how they spied and wiretapped, how they lied to FISA, had conversations on the tarmac, sent emails to cover their asses after key meetings, how Comey and Brennan and Clapper never were brought to any justice. 
  • How the FBI and CIA lied, how the Steele Dossier was passed along, how phones got factory reset, how leak after leak to an accomplice media went unchecked, why George Soros is always in the shadows, why they screamed Russia and pushed a sham impeachment, why no one ever goes to jail, why no one is ever charged, why nothing ever happens. Why there was no wrongdoing in the FISA warrants, why the Durham report was delayed. 
  • Why Hunter will walk scot free.Why the FBI sat on the laptop. Why the Biden’s connection to China was hidden. Why the media is 24/7 propaganda and lies.
  • Why social media silences the First Amendment and speaks over the President of the United States.This has been the plan by the Deep State all along. They didn’t expect Trump to win in 2016. He messed up their plans. Delayed it a little. They weren’t about to let it happen again. 
  • Covid was weaponized, Governors helped shut down their states, the media helped shame and kill the economy, and the super lucky unverifiable mail in ballots were just the trick to make sure the career politician allegedly with hands in Chinese payrolls that couldn’t finish a sentence or collect a crowd, miraculously became the most popular vote recipient of all time. What will happen next?  
  • Expect the borders to open with the likelihood that terrorists will come in. Increased immigration. Expect agencies like CBP and INS and Homeland Security to be muzzled or even deleted. Law enforcement will see continued defunding. 
  • The electoral college will be gone. History erased. Two Supreme Court Justices might be removed. The Supreme Court will be packed. Your 2nd Amendment will be attacked.
  • If you have a manufacturing job or oil industry job, get ready. If you run a business, brace for impact. Your taxes are gonna go up, Biden’s already announced it and businesses will pay more.
  • There is no real recovery from this. The elections from here on will be decided by New York City, Chicago, and California. The candidate who offers the most from the Treasury will get the most votes. But the votes cast won't matter either, just the ones received and counted. That precedent has been set. 
  • Benjamin Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, ‘Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?’” Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Ladies and gentlemen, you will now lose your Republic. 
  • So now, you turned from God. You turned from family. You turned from country. You embraced a degeneracy culture tearing down history, not learning from it's past. You blindly celebrated as you looked up to the fools. You worshipped yourselves selfishly as you took for granted what men died to give you in your American Constitutional freedoms. You disregarded our history and all it teaches about our unalienable rights - Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. 

On your watch, America just died a little. It’s likely she’ll never be the same again. Some of you have no idea what you’ve done. Sadly, some of you did, but only with your really heartfelt regret.



These Life Changes Will Affect Your Lives Forever

I cannot resist sharing an observation of this disturbing, burgeoning truth today. Living only to forty-five years old in 1930, the English writer and poet, D. H. Lawrence reflected upon the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization.

He lived during the late 1890's and early 1900's in the golden age of the robber railroad barons, greedy oil titans, and dishonest newspaper moguls running yellow journalism sensationalism for controlling daily news cycles. Unfortunately, we now all have personally experienced this same phenomenon today with our sleazy, loose-with-truth internet billionaires controlling the mainstream left-wing media to elect a President fraudulently.

Only days after the Biden Democrat administration had declared victory, his clarion calls to install draconian rules and regulations with a suppressive burden of taxes will be the realities destroying everyone's homes and pocketbooks.  The harsh Democrat governmental controls will demand absolute obedience or suffering under severe penalties. There will be no middle ground, only unquestionable compliance to central authorities.  Don't believe it?  Just see how the unclean hoards will be herded into their Covid cages and remain sequestered until they dutifully await orders from their state officials and local community organizers for permission to leave. 

Green New Deal - New Footprint Taxes 

Now personal choices in your quality of living will be dictated by stringent environmental controls and the New Green Deal regulations, carbon tax levies, and oversight controls. Choices will include electricity, natural gas, water, food, gasoline, food, purchases, and housing. The obvious items to control are electricity, natural gas, water, and gasoline.

The others are more subtle such as food, purchases, and housing. They all require a Green New Deal tax levied to curtail public and private consumption and usage. It has been further suggested that an annually issued federal house tax seal be prominently displayed on all house windows for viewing by Green New Deal Tax collectors. The projected costs are from the hundreds to thousands of dollars for each dwelling. 

Eat Less Water-Intensive Foods

Our diets account for roughly half of all the water we use. All food has a water footprint, but some are much larger than others. Eating less beef, one of the most water-intensive foods, is a smart place to start. Shifting away from animal products to a plant-based diet can shrink your water footprint significantly.

Buy Less

Consumer products are an often-overlooked source of water use, accounting for up to a third of most people’s water footprint. Buying less of everything—from clothing to electronics to household goods—can dramatically decrease your water footprint.

Regional Planning Oversight - master community design engineering

Federal planning will proceed to collectively aggregate demographically diverse populations into forced homogenous concentrated urban areas to better control groups to conform with governmental dictates imposed upon them. 

By reimposing the Obama era federal government regulations of all open waters on all private wetlands and waterways such as ponds, lakes, and streams it will dictate who can live where and do what with their land. After all, water rights are the life-blood to live in all areas on the face of the earth.

A perfect example is at  the Sacramento river in Northern California, its largest, that delivers overflow water from reservoirs for the most beneficial uses. By releasing into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta pumping facilities operation to divert water from being wastefully sent out to the Pacific Ocean, it instead flows to areas where the water is critically needed in Central and Southern California.

Remembering our United States history, immigrants came here at the very beginning of our nation to own their own real estate properties. In the European countries only the very rich or connected overlords owned their private lands. So, it was a source of power over the people and the overlords controlled all the serfs' lives. Our residential neighborhoods were birthed in our newborn nation which offered the possession of land as an individual's right which imbues power to its people.

Imposing these high Green New Deal taxes on suburban homes and neighborhoods will force populations to abandon private home ownership and their independent ways of living instead for government-owned-controlled communities closely monitored by federal authorities. For actual examples, just look at socialist-communist controlled Russia, China,

Value-Added Taxes (VAT) - 17% suggested consumption tax rate curtails consumer behavior

In order to support all of our new governmental welfare programs for everyone, an immediate consumption tax on all purchases will be charged. This is in addition to average U.S. state and local sales taxes (8.5%) and state and federal income tax. Biden programs expand such as benefits for more illegal migrants pouring through our borders, single-payer national healthcare, food stamps, housing allowance, and tuition-free colleges would all be offered.

Democrat Lessons

Many have never learned anything about freedom and the U.S. Constitution. The Biden administration simply wants the United States to be controlled on a global stage with China as its ruler. Those Biden voters will regret their ignorant choices as their way of living will be reduced down to the standards of other third world countries. 


What is the "Stop the Steal" call about?

Are Online Ballot Scam Mail Votes Next?

When you take a "deep dive" into the merits of the Texas election lawsuit against states like Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin it has not been a wasted effort because the Supreme Court refused the case.

Instead, the greatest bromide to kill insidious bacterial infection is exposure to the bright sunshine light of the truth. Take a look at what are the undeniable facts.

The High Court said the "bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution." Only Justices Thomas and Alito were willing to hear the lawsuit, while the three justices appointed by the President -- Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett -- were not. (So much for Trump "packing the Court.")

Now, we all must contact our State representatives and demand that the voting procedures of our States are fixed. There has to be be a paper trail of ballots that cannot be cheated. Read on to see what can be changed and the checks to ensure honest elections going forward.

The 11 improbabilities (and, perhaps, impossibilities) behind Joe Biden's supposed "victory" are the "Top 12" compelling reasons why the Texas case had merit. They highlight how the lawsuit exposed violations of election law and evidence of voter fraud in those four battleground states:

1. The Secretaries of State in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania unconstitutionally abolished the signature verification requirement for mail-in ballots. (In Georgia, mail-in ballots increased from 213,000 in 2016 to 1.3 million in 2020. In Michigan, there were less than 600,000 requests for mail-in ballots in 2016 but 3.2 million requests in 2020. In Pennsylvania, mail-in ballots increased from 266,000 in 2016 to more than 3 million in 2020.)

2. Also, in Pennsylvania, election officials violated state law by NOT permitting poll-watchers to observe vote tabulating in crucial Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties.

3. Ballot irregularities in Pennsylvania include 9,000 ballots with no mailed date; 58,000 ballots returned on or before their mailed date; and 51,000 ballots returned just one day after they were mailed.

4. And perhaps the most egregious irregularity, and possible evidence of voter fraud, in the Keystone State is this: On November 2, Pennsylvania reported that 2.7 million ballots had been mailed. On November 4, one day after the election, that number increased to 3.1 million ballots.

5. In Georgia, the Secretary of State authorized opening and processing mail-in ballots three weeks before Election Day. State law prohibits those actions until polls opens on Election Day.

6. Georgia's mail-in ballot rejection rate for missing or inaccurate information decreased from 6.42% in 2016 to .36% in 2020, even though the number of mail-in ballots increased from 213,000 to 1.3 million.

7. The Michigan Secretary of State sent out 7.7 million unsolicited ballots to registered voters, which violates election law. That same state official also allowed absentee ballots to be requested online without signature verification.

8. In Wayne County, Michigan, local election officials opened and processed mail-in ballots without poll-watchers present. Also, they reportedly ignored strict, election-law requirements for verifying signatures on mail-in-ballots.

9. In that same Michigan county, more than 174,000 mail-in ballots had no valid registration number, which means it's likely that election workers ran the same ballots through counting machines multiple times.

10. In Wisconsin, 100,000 ballots have been reported as missing by the U.S. Postal Service. Also, a witness' sworn affidavit states that postal employees were backdating ballots received after Election Day.The Wisconsin Elections Commission used hundreds of illegal, unmanned drop boxes to collect absentee ballots.

11. That same commission also reportedly encouraged voters to unlawfully declare themselves "indefinitely confined" to avoid signature verification and photo ID requirements for mail-in ballots. More than 200,000 Wisconsin voters claimed they were "indefinitely confined" in 2020, which was nearly quadruple the number in 2016.

Keep in mind, this is only a sample of what the lawsuit alleges. Click here for a link to the entire 154-page brief filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

The Lone Star State had been joined in their lawsuit by 18 other states, the Trump administration, more than 100 House Republicans and GOP members of Pennsylvania's House of Representatives. All of them challenged the election results in those four battleground states as illegal and unconstitutional.

GOP Senators on Capitol Hill and state senators in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin MUST NOT sit on the sidelines.

There are now “Battleground Battle" calls on Republican lawmakers to expose the election "irregularities" outlined in the Texas case AND take special legislative action to "Stop the Steal!"


Returning to One's Roots - Is Kunta Kinte Here?



The Obamas joined the elite Martha’s Vineyard community in a nearly 7,000 square foot home that sits on roughly 29 acres, facing the Edgartown Great Pond. Interestingly, Martha’s Vineyard is just short of 95 percent white. It has less than a two percent black population.
The Dukes County Registry of Deeds recorded the $11.75 million price. The actual buyer was a nominee trust representing the former First Family. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts recognizes the realty trust, also known as a nominee trust, as a useful vehicle to hold legal title to real estate. A revocable or irrevocable trust can serve as the beneficial owner.

As a nominee trust, the trustees can act only with the express authority of the beneficiaries. Although the trust must have beneficiaries, they do not need to be listed in the trust instrument to maintain their anonymity. It does beg the question about which masters now own Barack and Michelle today. 



             Roots Anthology ~ Alex Haley & the History of Slavery                        by Jack Kerwick, Ph.D.


Black commentator Stanley Crouch doesn’t mince words when it comes to Alex Haley.  Haley, Crouch insists, was a “ruthless hustler” and “one of the biggest damn liars this country has ever seen.” Crouch likens Haley to Tawana Brawley, the young black woman who infamously lied about being raped and humiliated by a white police officer.  Like the lie concocted by Brawley and abetted by the likes of Al Sharpton, Haley’s story is also a “hoax” that beautifully illustrates “how history and tragic fact can be pillaged by an individual willing to exploit whatever the naïve might consider sacred.”

Crouch explains: “Haley came on the scene when Negroes were becoming obsessed with their African ancestry and were having overwrought reactions to a tale of slavery that always, conveniently, left out the crucial role of the cooperative and profiting Africans.”

Haley also claimed that his great-great-great-great grandfather, Kunta Kinte, arrived in Annapolis, Maryland, aboard the slave ship Lord Ligonier in September of 1767. There he was purchased by John Waller of Spotsylvania County, Virginia, who gave him the name “Toby.” - all has since been debunked.

In the late 1960s, Harry Courlander — a white man — composed The African, a fictional work about a young African boy who is captured, made to endure the horrors of the mid-Atlantic passage, and eventually sold into slavery in America. In 1978 he sued Haley for plagiarism. Haley agreed to an out of court settlement whereby he would pay Courlander $650,000 (roughly $2 million in today’s currency).


A Circus Freak Show of Horrors

This past American Thinker blog site article from the Trump-Clinton 2016 election explains where this pundit came up from to interview.

On November 14, 2020 with Eric Shawn, FOX News reporter, he interviewed a so-called exoert about the impossibility of any computer ballot count tampering. Dubiously, Prof. Halderman is billed as a proclaimed expert for the FOX Lib News Network!

A "Fox in the Hen House" or A "FOX in the "White House" - NO Difference!

November 28, 2016

The Disingenuous Dr. Halderman


By Bruce Heiden

Until a week ago Professor J. Alex Halderman of the University of Michigan was pretty much unknown outside the world of cyber-security, in which he holds a place of distinction as an academic expert on security problems concerning elections in the U.S. and other countries. But this technical expert has put himself on the way to becoming a household name since in 2016 he reportedly advised the Clinton campaign team that they should request recounts of the presidential balloting in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania because of suspicion that Russia had hacked into their computerized voting systems and affected the outcomes.

Green Party Presidential candidate, Jill Stein’s petition for a recount of her 2016 Wisconsin balloting included an affidavit from Professor Halderman, which Stein cites as the sole “basis of belief” that irregularities occurred in Wisconsin that support her petition for a recount. So what does Professor Halderman say in his affidavit? The one point on which Professor Halderman lays the greatest stress is that he, Professor J. Alex Halderman, is a really, really big expert in cyber-security.

*   *   *   *   *

Of course now it's 2020, liberal voices with some of those even in Trump's own ranks loudly warned President Trump that the contents of Hunter Biden laptop are a losing issue for him in the winning of the 2020 presidential election campaign. Instead here, he should emphasize the economic progress promise of a second Trump term.  I heard a distinctive unsympathetic Democrat commentator Marie Harf, on FOX News, state that voters don’t care about Hunter Biden‘s laptop. She’s wrong, and she knows it. Her party's resistance has persecuted President Trump for years with a series of made-up scandals, Russian collusion, Ukrainian interference, corruption, and indiscretions.

The Democrat claims are structurally almost indistinguishable from the Joe-Hunter Biden scandal except that their scale is all made up. Democrats did this, but not because they think the public is interested in the president's phone calls or associates, but because they pushed the ornorous belief that the correct public position should be all about character, of which these Democrat operatives were determined to blacken it with every weapon or pseudonyms that fell within reach while ignoring questions on all details or any issues about Democrat plans, programs, and laws. It's classic duplicity.

The Democrat campaign was a real piece of work with this critical aspect of the resistance. It means if you’re simply Donald Trump, corrupt to the soul of reason, then Joe Biden is a decent guy who was the quick fix for our lost national soul. Voters like to indulge in moral posturing and Democrats have spent generations convincing them that somehow they are better off morally, but not prosperous, and so Joe is really very moral. If these ploys didn’t work, Biden would never get elected. But they did, just open your eyes to reality on how their corrupt TV news networks along with Internet social media giants blocked or buried all of the glaring Biden picadillos. "There is a sucker born every minute." - see BIO.

BIO: There is no shortage of naive people ready to become victims of frauds and cheats. Background: This expression appears to have originated in the USA around 1850 and is often loosely attributed to circus promoter, P.T. Barnum (1810-1891), the founder of the Greatest Show on Earth.   

Joe-Joe Bye-Done said, "You're a lying dog-faced pony soldier" at a campaign rally and maybe it refered to Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy, who was a famous Russian sideshow performer that was brought to the United States of America in 1884 by P.T. Barnum. 

Joe-Joe Bye-Done appears now to head the Circus as RingMaster who is the Ring Leader of the newly elected Progressive Party under the Democrat big tent - Crack the Whip!  ...Bring in the Clowns!  ...Watch the rats scurry up under the big tent!  ...Let their 3 Ring Circus begin!