One Of The Smartest Man That Ever Lived

If you don't know your American history......Start here.... Sure as hell; the kids today don't know this...
The Smartest Man That Ever Lived
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If you don't know your American history......Start here.... Sure as hell; the kids today don't know this...
The Smartest Man That Ever Lived
The militant group ISIL has employed the use of religious police in areas under its control, commonly known as the Hisbah. Look at how the Islamists treat this woman because she has a coat of red color. These are Muslims, they apply the Quran. This woman is judged in public square. Islamic barbarism is at our door but do not forget that Islam is a religion of peace and love and that they are building regularly mosques in France and United States.
Video Viewer Instructions: Push video start button and push the button over to 02:20 on the time bar. The first part of the video shows a police squad roaming streets inforcing Islamic laws and this last section of video tells the whole story.
Time: 02:43
After seeing so much about the big elephants and fat asses in this election season, how about giraffes? They are really doing much better than both parties. How about a third party run of long-neck giraffes party? They'll stick their necks out to win your vote! ...maybe even do a few flips too?
Time: 05:28
Time: 03.46
This Conan O'brien Show piece on Hillary Clinton is a classic. I will let this reporting stand on its on merits without further comments...
Time: 01:34