"Following a threat of extermination at the hands of the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq
A house in Mosul, Iraq, has the words "property of ISIS" painted on a wall. and Syria (ISIS), virtually all Christians have fled the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, a community the faithful have called home for some 1,700 years.
"ISIS thugs ordered all Christians to leave the city by noon on Saturday, July 19, pay an exorbitant fine, or face “death by the sword,” reported CNN, after Christians declined to attend a meeting ISIS had called to “discuss” their presence in Mosul. Christian residents of Mosul said they had been afraid to attend the meeting called by ISIS, and were given the ultimatum shortly afterward.
"Islamic terrorist group ISIS continues its effort to eradicate the Christian faith in Iraq, as reports come out of the nation's besieged Nineveh province of wholesale executions of believers, including crucifixions and the beheadings of children.
"In July the terrorists overran the Nineveh capital of Mosul, which had had a strong Christian presence for over 1,700 years, prompting families who had lived there for generations to flee under threat of death. ISIS thugs systematically looted Christian homes and businesses in the city, desecrated cemeteries, destroyed the tombs of biblical prophets, ruined churches, and pulled down crosses, all in an effort to establish control and intimidate Christians and religious minorities throughout Iraq."
Time: 03:45
NOTE: This informative CNN video explains who ISIS is and tells about their brutality. The video DOES NOT 'graphically' show any battles, tortures, execution scenes or gratuitous violence. It is a PG13 rating, material that parents might consider inappropriate for under 13 years old.