Dragnet Re-run - Obama Cameo

"Dragnet, the documented drama of an actual crime. For the next thirty minutes, in cooperation with the Los Angeles Police Department, you will travel step-by-step on the side of the law through an actual case history, transcribed from official police files. From beginning to end—from crime to punishment—Dragnet is the story of your police force in action."
Opening Show Intro. Voiceover
Jack Webb, the star & producer, was a stickler for accurate details, and Dragnet used authentic touches, such as the LAPD's actual radio calls while Webb told, "We try to make it as real as a guy pouring a cup of coffee.”
The Dragnet video is not very long and truly gets the point across. You'll have to be, however, over 50 to really appreciate it, unless you watched the Dan Ackroyd & Tom Hanks Dragnet movie spoof (1987) reruns. Anyone younger has probably never seen the "Dragnet" TV shows, (1951-1970) or will catch the true 'cult-nature' meaning here of the gruff, fast talking, short sentence deliveries which were 'classics' by Jack Webb who embellished it to the fullest as Sgt. Joe Friday, he died in 1982. Harry Morgan was Officer Bill Gannon on Dragnet (1967–1970), he passed away in 2012.
Time: 01:56
"All we want are the facts, ma'am"
Obama Administration assesment,
Obamacare in Dragnet Show in
2nd Amendment Rights,
Benghazi Attack,
Bill of Rights,
Conservative Ideas,
First Amendment Rights,
Gun Laws,
Islamic Issues,
Liberal Programs,
NSA Scandal,
Obama Scandals,
Presidential Politics,
Progressive Programs,
U.S. Military Budgets,
U.S. Racial Issues,
UN Agenda 21

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