See Obama TKO on House Floor!

Epic 1-Minute TKO Beatdown Of Barack Obama On House Floor
No Sucker Punches - Great Uppercuts to the Jaw!
Obama TKO on the mats!
"With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball. And I am here to say this needs to stop. Short-term thinking and stale debates are not what this moment requires. Our focus must be on the basic economic issues that the matter most to you – the people we represent," Obama said. Did he just forget to mention the people who died - or were they just "phony" too?
Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) took to the House Floor Monday and delivered a brief – yet awesome skewering of Barack Obama, his administration and his vice president.
I have read some real scathing emails calling Jim Bridenstone a bigot and racist for what he said on the House floor. Here is an excerpt from an actual email written & posted in the Independent Journal Review comments section:
Tyler Eaves · Web Developer at The Daily Reflector June 4, 2013 at 9:27pm
If by "truth" you mean a few issues the GOP is trying to make America care about. How many american servicemen have died in Iraq? How many thousands, with how many tens of thousands maimed for life? While the GOP was silent. Yet now the elephants are trying to manufacturer(sic) outrage over a handful? Something stinks here, smells like elephant dung to me. (Bold Italics emphasis added)
Kool-Aid for Everyone!
It looks like this guy bought Obama's rhetoric that the scandals were "phony". So, he concluded that the "elephants", Republicans, are "trying to manufacture outrage" and "over a handful". This guy describes the lives lost as an "Outrage over a handful" - so a single life is not precious or important to this guy?
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