Remember MLK? - Treyvon Is/Was No MLK!

Bill Whittle examines the death of Trayvon Martin and trial of George Zimmerman and asks: Is the acquittal of Zimmerman one of the great civil rights injustices of our time? ...Find out.
Time: 10:19
During the period of discovery by both the prosecution and the defense, there were many persons interviewed for contemporaneous testimony about their knowledge of the neighborhood itself as well as about George Zimmerman. So much was collected, but as one resident in the condo complex so rightiously described it, "the elephant in the room", certainly fits the crime to a tee. The following is the exact full statement as reported.
In Reuters News Service on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 during the discovery of exculpatory evidence:
"Though civil rights demonstrators have argued Zimmerman should not have prejudged Martin, one black neighbor of the Zimmermans said recent history should be taken into account."
"Let's talk about the elephant in the room. I'm black, OK?" the woman said, declining to be identified because she anticipated backlash due to her race. She leaned in to look a reporter directly in the eyes. "There were black boys robbing houses in this neighborhood," she said. "That's why George was suspicious of Trayvon Martin."
Reported in Investors Business Daily, "The state of Florida withheld key exculpatory evidence by conveniently failing to mention a toxicology report finding traces of marijuana in Martin's blood and urine — which would have corroborated Zimmerman's remark to a 911 dispatcher that Martin acted like he was "on drugs." Police had trained Zimmerman to spot non-residents acting suspiciously in his townhouse complex, which had been the target of a rash of break-ins."
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