Libya - Obama Lied & People Died!

Ambassador Stevens and the CIA’s Jihadist Recruitment
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer (Click on Picture for Bio Link)
Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador murdered in Libya, played a central role in recruiting jihadists to fight Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, according to Egyptian security officials.
Stevens served as a key contact with the Saudis to coordinate the recruitment by Saudi Arabia of Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya. The jihadists were sent to Syria via Turkey to attack Assad’s forces, said the security officials.
On November 5, 2012 Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer pointed out during an appearance on the Alex Jones Show that Turkey partnered with the CIA to take down Bashar al-Assad in Syria and, hours before the compound was attacked and Stevens and others lost their lives, the Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin met with the U.S. ambassador Stevens that evening in connection with an arms transfer to al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria.
Time: 41:54
Col. Shaffer said that his sources tell him that Obama was one of the people in the White House situation room watching the Benghazi attack go down and knew exactly what caused the attack. Col. Shaffer believes it would have taken an order by the president to intervene or not. But to the contrary, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has also testified that Obama was not in the Situation Room the night of the Benghazi terror attack. So, many people have asked where and what was Obama doing then? - no answers are forthcoming as yet either.
However, President Obama didn’t spend every moment in the White House situation room during the May 2, 2011 Osama Bin Laden raid expressing mainly disinterest, the commander-in-chief left to play cards in a private dining room that day, too — about 15 games of spades, in fact, his former personal assistant Reggie Love on August 14, 2013 told a UCLA forum, “Most people were like down in the Situation Room and [Obama] was like, ‘I’m not going to be down there, I can’t watch this entire thing,” Love recalled. This story parallels Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta testimony that Obama was not in the Situation Room the night of the Benghazi terror attack. I guess the people of the United States just pay him to work for us, but he can just simply decide when to or not to work at all during an important military operation. Afterwards, Obama cynically took all the credit loudly proclaiming that he had been directing the whole operation, all for his own political gain. Where was that, "I can't watch this entire thing!", "I am bored!" comment in those Hollywood movie scripts? I guess it was not in that deck of his cue cards!
I believe that President Obama wholeheartedly knew he was skating on Constitutional "thin ice". That was due to the fact he had no war powers act authority to involve the United States without Congressional approval. More damning was Obama's inept, ii-advised foreignAngry Clinton Explodes at Questioning on Libya Protest: ‘We Have Four Dead Americans…What Difference at This Point Does It Make?’ policy move precipitated a foreign relations crisis situation. It furthermore embarrassed and humiliated the office of the Secretary of State casting a long shadow of doubt on its judgement capabilities. Of course, the 2016 Presidential hopeful, Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton took the heat, not good karma Barack!
Obama risked losing the upcoming 2012 election if voters had discovered his major illegal military operations in the Benghazi Embassy compound. Since Obama had been so braggadocious about "killing Bin Laden and having al Queda on the run", the surprise al Queda attack brought much unwanted attention, especially from the domestic news media scrutiny about a stand-down order to not send in troops which gave time for the terrorists to scamper away with everything and any evidence. In order to completely eradicate further evidence the FBI refused to start their investigation for weeks afterwards until the area was secure. This proved to be a highly effective ploy leaving only some blurry security camera images taken as pictures of "persons of interest" - and that's as far as the FBI investigations have gone. All witnesses and embassy personnel have been silenced by the Federal government to testify. It's now up to Congressional Hearings to dig into the facts.
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