U.N. Agenda 21 Plan for Global Control

How your community is implementing AGENDA 21
Time: 1:34:00
This lecturer is well prepared on this seemingly dry subject, however, her voice and delivery and organized presentation keep the interest high. You can fast forward the first six minutes beyond the beginning chit-chat, but it does set up a personal introduction to Rosa Koirre. She is a liberal California Democrat, but very aware of the dangers of U.N. Agenda 21 Plan for Global Control. And, she's very savvy about political activism within liberal progressive causes as being a gay woman in the San Francisco Bay area.
Rosa Koirre knows her stuff because she also is a government agency land assessor dealing with municipal laws concerning regional planning and eminent domain issues. It makes her really well-rounded because she deals with local, state and federal departments and agencies from many levels of government about these specific U.N. Agenda 21 regulations.
Please go to the 'Search Box' on the Rovalocity web site and search for 'U.N. Agenda 21' and it will take you to several articles that I have written on this subject. The link below will take you to one subject that Rosa Koirre mentions in her lecture:
Journal Entry by D.K. Dickey on November 19, 2012
ARE YOUR PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS IMPORTANT? George Washington stressed the importance of private property when he said, “Private property and freedom are inseparable.” And John Adams was also adamant on this issue, having affirmed, “Property must be secured, or liberty cannot ...
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