Our Political Pinocchio Proboscis Problems

This is an excellent video to watch no matter on which side you favor--Not Democrat or Republican or Independent! Everyone will agree here...
Time: 03:39
In our vast new world of 'Obama Four Pinocchios,' it is refreshing to actually see honest facts speaking out to tell the whole truth for a 'real change.' This latest 'Government Gone Wild' video by Mr. Blaise Ingoglia contains shocking government statistics that expose the biggest special interest group of all--and politicians never mention it all! Does this mean that we, as taxpayers, are permanently screwed? Maybe...
Buying votes with political favors,
Government Workers,
U.S. Deficits,
Union acyivities,
Voter Fraud in
2016 Elections,
Affordable Heath Care Act,
Conservative Ideas,
Consumer Issues,
Liberal Programs,
Obama Scandals,
Presidential Politics,
Progressive Programs,
U.S. Economics,
U.S. Federal Income Taxes,
U.S. Tax Issues,
Union Politics

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