Can 'Peaceful People' Stop Radical Islam?

For years, all we heard was that Islam had been 'hijacked' and that most Muslims are peaceful people. And, what does that really matter to the 270 million people who have been killed so far in the name of Allah for the past 15 centuries?
- It's estimated that there are 1.2 billion muslims today and statistically there are 75 percent of All Muslims which are Not 'radical' Muslims or 900 million people. So, where are their protests against the radicals' killings and brutalities?
- It's stated that 15 - 25 percent of all Muslims are 'radical' which is between 180 to 300 million people, almost as many as the total U.S. population of 318 million as of June 2014. So that's up to 300 million people who are dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization?
- Many talk about how significant it is as most people are a 'peaceful majority.' But the truth is the 'peaceful majority' of people throughout world history were irrelevant as they stood by to watch the atrocities happen anyway. Where were the 'peaceful majority' when it was the Germans against Hitler, 60 Million killed; Russians against Stalin, 20 million killed; Chinese against Mao, 70 million killed; and Japanese against Hirohito in So East Asia, 20 million killed?
- The American government ignored all previous Muslim terrorist attacks and threats and so the 'peaceful majority' unknowingly stood by. On 9/11/2001 they watched as the United States was attacked by 19 highjackers to bring down passenger jets, the NYC Trade Towers and U.S. Pentagon killing almost 3,000 people and paralyzing a whole nation.
Time: 04.51
Brigitte Gabriel concluded with, "The issue is how we can hold our government responsible [for Benghazi] and it is time that we take political correctness and throw it into the garbage where it belongs!"
First Amendment Side-Bar: 'P.C. Police' - A new proposal in April 2014 that would empower the Feds to scour the internet, TV and much, much more for so-called hate speech--and then do something about it. Democratic NY Senator Ed Markey is pushing this bill mandating monitoring of anything that the Feds suspect may encourage hate crimes. Look out for another big Congressional fight if this ever sees the light of day out of the House committee--heads will roll at election time!

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