Hear the Truth on Trump!

Donald Trump seems to be the frontrunner in the GOP primary. In this video, you'll find out what everyone hears about The Donald! ...he wants to reinstate tariffs, secure the Mexican border and repeal obama-care, or does he?
Time: 05:04
Bill Whittle's assessment of The Donald is insightfully presented with a lot to think about, but it's got even more to digest as many of his points hit home with hard facts. As they say, "You listen and then you decide!"
Donald Trump Politics,
Republican Politics,
The Donald Truths in
2016 Elections,
Conservative Ideas,
Presidential Politics,
U.S. Civil Rights,
U.S. Constitution,
U.S. Economics,
U.S. Education,
U.S. Federal Income Taxes,
U.S. Foreign Policy,
U.S. Military Budgets,
U.S. Patriotism,
U.S. Racial Issues,
U.S. Tax Issues,
U.S. Terrorism,
U.S. Terrorist Policies,
Voter Laws,
Washington DC Politics

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