Hillary Clinton Exposed - The Movie

Movie Hillary Banned From Theaters
It was reported that Hillary brought to court the issue whether the 90-BILL & HILL ON MARTHA'S VINEYARD BEACH.minute 2008 “Hillary: The Movie” and television ads to promote it should have been subject to strict campaign finance laws on political advocacy or should have been seen as a constitutionally protected form of commercial speech.
A conservative group, Citizens United, behind this movie wanted to promote it during the heat of the 2008 presidential primary season, but a lower federal court had blocked any ads, as well as airings on cable TV video-on-demand.
The film later was released on DVD, an outlet that is not subject to federal regulation; but still Citizens United next filed in the Supreme Court for their ruling.
The final result in the 2010 decision for Citizens United who produced the movie was therefore almost uncontrovertibly correct. No one disputes that corporations, such as the New York Times Company, can editorialize during an election, and other groups performing the press function have the same right, even if they are not part of the traditional news media industry. A holding based on the Press Clause, though, would not have implied any change in constitutional doctrine about campaign contributions, which are not an exercise of the freedom of the press.
So now the Supreme Court’s decision determined that politically charged documentaries can not be regulated by the government in the same way as traditional campaign commercials. Hillary and Obama acted furious about the court's decision, but why?..they could now do it too!
The movie trailer runs only 3 minutes and 20 seconds long before the start of the movie itself. It gives, however, a quick study overview of some taboo subjects that Hillary wishes would go away during her 2016 Presidential bid. I watched the entire documentary which was thoroughly fact-checked research with actual first-hand witnesses testifying to the chain of events and their validity. It was compelling as well as thought provoking look into the reality of our nation's future with Hillary Clinton's leadership deficiencies.
Time: 1:30:16
One Liberal Movie viewer's typical take-away gem in a Review: "$100 million was spent by the Republican party trying to come up with something, anything on the Clintons [Presidency]. They wound up impeaching the president of the United States over a blow job?"
So, some people entirely missed the point about the prosecutorial proceedings--during the Clinton scandals as if it was really okay for a married President of the United States to drop his drawers to get his dick sucked off by a twenty something year old female intern and then lie about it under oath.
It was also Bill who inadvertently had bad aim and shot off a sperm load that stained her blue dress that provided the DNA evidence from his "smoking gun," so to speak. It proved it did indeed happen while all the time that Bill & Hillary Clinton were flying denials high with horrible low-blow character assassinations out to destroy Monica Lewinsky's credibility.
If this is all "old news" as Hillary has said, then let's move on to "new news": Benghazi Terrorist attacks, Foreign Campaign contributions, Clinton Global Initiatives Foundation, Bloated Clinton speaking fees, U.S. Secretary of State top secret emails on server in personal home computer and downloaded onto personal phone. And SO the "bad news" STILL goes on into the future!

Reader Comments (1)
She will win the Presidential election on the backs of Blacks, Gays and the stupid. It only seems logical that our country step down one more rung on the ladder that stands in the hole Obama dug and planted it in.