Is Trump really "The Music Man"?

Trump's Interview 27 Years Ago Proves Out His Claims Today
Many political pundits today have attempted to bury Donald Trump for his boisterous criticism over foreign governments screwing the United States at every turn in the global trade balance. The Donald's irreverence about career politicians and Washington overreach are also blistering too. These are certainly not new Trump charges and have been proven over the years, they are truthfully hard to deny as the personal attacks still continue going forward in his campaign.
Here, as one pundit bloviated while bombastically proclaiming the Donald as "The Music Man," is his Trumped up editorial obituary (or a wish list of negatives that have not stuck into the 2016 campaign rhetoric yet):
"In “The Music Man,” Meredith Willson’s great musical, super salesman Harold Hill talks the townspeople of River City, Iowa, into buying trombones, bassoons and drums to form a boys’ band. Then, after the people of River City have committed belief and money to him, he’ll skip town.
"Donald Trump is America’s Music Man, and the United States is his River City. Unlike the original, the Trump version isn’t going to have a happy ending."
So far, Donald Trump has weathered these political pundits as he continues to winnow down the field of Republican Party good ole boys and their political machine with more provocative questions, ideas and solutions. Donald Trump may not win the ultimate Republican nomination, but he gets my support for getting the Republican Party off the dime and starting the American people to look at the dollars its been losing through the Washington spending politics. It's now time to discuss a lot more about real issues than a set of talking points at every debate or staged news media events.
Time: 03:10
During a 1988 Oprah Wynfrey Show, twenty seven years ago, Donald Trump proffered a Presidential Bid. You got to appreciate his hairdo, it has not changed much except the color. Listen to his familiar mantra about the foreign companies and our U.S. trade balance. And boy, the Donald was brash then and young too!

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