The ObamaCare Regulation Overload

People do not give any more time than a 60 second TV spot to think they have all the facts on Obamacare to choose this expensive boondoggle.
John Stossel Exposes Obamacare Problems
This is an excellent exposé on the evolving revelations of flaws and defects within the Obamacare Act which discredit any claims set forth that it offers affordable care and comprehensive treatment programs. Watch as Senator John Barrasso (R-Wy) and Congressman Ted Poe (R-Tx) explain to John Stossel the mountains of regulation involved in ObamaCare, and the nitwittery contained within - do politicians think we are this gullible? (Don't answer that until you see this interview)
Time: 11:53
Caution: There are very well funded, professionally scripted and produced slick videos that are designed to simplify facts to dumb down the public.
The YouToons Get Ready for Obamacare
Time: 6:53
Obama is desperate to get a huge turnout of people to sign up joining Obamacare health plans immediately in order to jumpstart and finance it. Young people are most reticent to join due to their age, minimal health problems and out-of-pocket costs. Many middle class families realize their healthcare coverage has been reduced, out-of-pocket deductables have increased and insurance premiums will be higher. Older people in medicare realize coverage and healthcare benefits will decrease along with longer waits and delays in receiving immediate treatments. All of these shortcomings have risen to critical mass as American healthcare is teetering on the brink of collapse under Obamacare.
Video written and produced with funding by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Do you think that this video is prejudicial and biased? How about politically slanted? Heard of the Obama Solyndra Solar Panels Scandal? The George Kaiser Family Foundation, a charitable organization also owned a 36 percent stake in Solyndra LLC, the Fremont, Calif.-based solar system maker that went bankrupt in 2011 after receiving a $535 million U.S. Energy Department loan. Kaiser Family Foundation walked away with their 36 percent stake intact with their profits as the taxpayers were stuck with a bankruptcy. The charity invests alongside George Kaiser with the billionaire's stakes in some companies. In other instances, it directs funds in ways that support his for-profit businesses.
What happens when another $350 million to $400 million bet on energy prices goes spectacularly wrong? Another Solydra-like energy debacle? There was no careful thought about whether LNG facilities were needed — and they weren’t needed when natural gas prices were hitting a peak — $12 per 1,000 cubic feet plummeted to around $3. The Kaiser Family Foundation got the sole contract in 2008 ito haul 138,000 cubic meters of LPG, liquefied petroleum gas, on a brand new 909-foot supertanker to transport more than 4% of the total daily capacity of the U.S. demand from the LNG facilities off the North shore of Massachusetts. But as soon as the facility opened, the bottom fell out of the natural gas market and the offshore terminal has not received a drop of imported fuel in more than two years.
Thanks to the latest drilling technique known as fracking, enormous deposits of natural gas buried in shale rock fields in the Eastern United States have flooded domestic markets in the past few years, cutting fuel prices to a quarter of what they were when the offshore LNG terminals were being built - and voters wonder why Obama is rejecting fracking now?
Over the long-term, meanwhile, the prognosis for the Massachusetts LNG facilities is not promising. They removed the Gulf Gateway’s buoys, mooring system, and other equipment, and filled, capped, and buried its pipeline in the sea bottom. Now the companies are stuck with $400 million worth of unused buoys and pipes sitting idle in the ocean. Who eats this multi-million dollar loss now? Answer: It is shared between the George Kaiser Family Foundation and the second largest power company in the world, GDF Suez SA, owned by the French government who merged with the Suez Canal company which supplies utilities power to France and over 60% of the United Kingdom among many other countries. Don't cry for them, this project is just waiting for the U.S. multi-billion dollar LNG energy market expansion with infrastructures ready to go on tap.
The George Kaiser Family Foundation is a type of public charity known as a public foundation. It isn't obligated to donate a penny and is a tax-exempt organization creating loopholes according to IRS rules. The Kaiser foundation is one of just four public foundations in the U.S. with more than $1 billion in assets, according to the Washington-based National Center for Charity Statistics.
Kaiser Family Foundation is being touted as a "nonpartisan" Kaiser Family Foundation as it reports statistics, data and detailed information as the Obamacare is being rolled out--Oh really?
Video narrated by Charlie Gibson, former anchor of ABC’s World News with Charlie Gibson and a member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. A Hollywood liberal who brings a high profile, well known announcer with a familiar, friendly, sincere voiceover to the listening audiences' ears while viewing the animation.
Video creative production and animation by Free Range Studios. The video was created by Free Range. a liberal messaging firm, an advertising agency, based in Washington, D.C. and Oakland, California who says in their advertising, "Your world-changing message deserves to be heard — really heard. But that only happens when you learn to tell a great story. are the ultimate way to empower marketers and communicators — our modern mythmakers." - that exactly defines what this Obamacare video is about, creating a "myth".
Have you ever heard of Edward Bernays? He famously developed techniques through deceit and manipulation in creating propaganda? It was those same methods in the U.S. that Bernays sold women on the smoking habit, modified human behavior to eating bacon with eggs for breakfast and marketing Proctor & Gamble laundry soaps. His deceptive methods he implemented to lie to the public and persuade the masses into believing propaganda lies he wrote into a manual. A brief write up below will help you understand the magnitude of this man's works.
Propanda - 1928Edward Bernays, a progressive liberal, who studied his uncle's work (Sigmund Freud) on psychoanalysis and thought through his own theories about human behavior and how to manipulate the masses. When speaking of Bernays we are talking about a man who seemed unattached to human suffering. Bernays seems to have walked through life proud of what he had discovered. There seems to be no indication that he ever actually realized the magnitude of the damage he inflicted on humanity by putting into practice his deceptive mind control theories, to be used for promoting ideas that were not necessarily true and ideas that would be used to control humans.
An example was that he and President Woodrow Wilson devised propaganda, “bringing democracy to all of Europe", to literally sell the American public on entering WW1, albeit at the bitter end. But none the less, for Woodrow Wilson politically it was a calculated to manipulate U.S. intervention so the spoils of the European war became a claim in retributions from Germany. It also meant that at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 he could promote Wilson's dream of the League of Nations that could organize as a world body, although due to Wilson's ill health and death it fell on hard times and failed - a welcomed end for the League of Nations only to be resurrected years later as the United Nations, another loser idea.
Bernays’ pride seemed to have come from knowing that his predictions about human behavior were correct. There are no indications that he felt any remorse for what he had done. It was reported that his own daughter severed all contact with him for many years because she said he "got off" on manipulating people and she couldn't deal with his screwing her around for giggles like he did when she was young.
Despite all of this, Bernays is respected and esteemed in a positive manner by Hollywood and constituents. He seemed to have walked through life under the radar of fame. He managed to manipulate the world, including showing politicians how to sell wars to the general public while millions of innocent people and troops from both sides of the WW1 and WW2 died in vain.