The Self-Evident Truth - Obama's Denial

Gun Control vs. Crime Control
Bill Whittle Bio: Bill is a popular commentator and widely read blogger whose common-sense perspective brings together everyone's core values and beliefs into evaluating topical issues. His delivery, as well as factual content, is not only informative but entertaining. Bill never disappoints viewers, he provokes ideas and a lot of thoughtful discourse.
Time: 7:24
Bill Whittle in his Virtual State of the Union, as the Virtual President he talks about why politicians want to talk about gun control rather than crime control, and delivers the factual evidence and historical truths that make the case for the Second Amendment self-evident.

Gun Control vs. Crime Control
Dilbert certainly "tells it like it is" in this hysterical cartoon strip about workplace life and the people in it. Thousands of readers identify with their own daily situations which makes them laugh even harder.
I have recently received an email comment on my video on January 9, 2014 about The Self-Evident Truth - Obama's Denial It illustrates "Ignorance" as a reader's point of view.
First, my liberal reader first openly admits he has not "read" my article, not realizing it was a video content. He is running out blathering his opinion based on nothing he read in my blog. Second, he states that the "NRA takes the second amendment out of context and he never heard the NRA mention that citizens are required to join a militia under the control of the governor." (no such militia conscription requirement) So, he shows his "ignorance" as a typical TV in-between commercials, 5 second sound-bite, liberal type of a guy. In his rhetorical gunfight he shoots from the hip and asks questions later. Please read his email and my response below - make up your own mind.
Reader Email:
I didn't read the article but i [sic] wonder why all gun nuts only quote the second phrase of the second amendment and never mention well regulated [sic] militia.
The origins of the amendment can be traced to shays [sic] rebellion in Massachusetts and local militias were used by the government to put down the whiskey rebellion. Prior to the civil war gun ownership was very limited and was promoted by the arms manufacturers to keep their factories operating upon the conclusion of the civil war.
The NRA takes the second amendment out of context and I have never heard a word about requiring gun owners to join a well regulated [sic] militia under the control of the governor. Wait, that's the national guard. [sic]
Is it any wonder why our country is so screwed up and these people simply attack, berate and vilify any conservative without any facts? -- Just go view MSNBC and CNN for "the news" and you understand their fact sources.