Hear "Oh We Got Trouble" - Video Clip

Oh We got Trouble, right here In River City! This Song really hitBHO Chorus Line Girl the message home by the response I got on my VAT blog, so I just had to share this musical film clip that features Robert Preston singing it in his memorable role as the Music Man, Professor Harold Hill. The razzle-dazzle, fast-talking, smooth-moving, carpet-bagging, salesman Professor Harold Hill sure brings one politician to mind that would teach Harold Hill a thing or two on bamboozeling the public. Hmmn...Wonder who?
Time: 04:40
Obamacare VAT Tax Trouble
Trouble, oh we got Trouble,
Right here in River City!
With a capital "T"
That rhymes with "V"
And that stands for VAT,
That stands for Value Added Tax.
We've surely got trouble!
Right here in River City,
Right here!
Gotta figger out a way
To keep the young ones from paying more taxes after school! Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble...