Can Islamists All Just Get Along With Us?

Our present agenda at Rovalocity has been to highlight Muslim foreign and domestic threats as the Middle East has exploded to emerge an Islamic Caliphate spanning the Middle East to defeat the USA, 'the Great Satan.' It has been daunting, but I have received many emails and resources offered to show who are our country's real enemies--I never would have seen this video if it weren't for my readership sharing ideas. I strongly urge all of you to view it, it's time to take off the gloves now!
During the recent Rovalocity editorials, guest columns and video we have been logically reasoning as a civilized group about what the Islamic Muslim Terrorists are planning to do. Believe it or not, we have had liberal Obama apologist Democrats who poo-poo and have scoffed at what has been presented. They have demeaned and berated these Muslim American women who have spoken out at various forums. Their vile vitriol attacks these women as 'uneducated' because they do not pronounce English as clearly as they should and even questioned who wrote their books. I pointed out to one apologist that they also speak many different Arabic languages and dialects fluently too. I would love to hear him speak Farsi, let alone some British Cockney or American New Yorker, Bostonian, Southerner or New Jersey dialects!
What Islamist are doing right in their Jihad, Holy War, goes beyond all of the words we can say conversationally. It is now time to show what NO American news broadcast will air on any national television station--Now, see for yourself what is happening and tell us how you WOULD describe these Islamic 'freedom fighters' - It's a One Minute Video!
They are without conscience or restraint and are absolutely dedicated to our (all "infidels") destruction and the destruction of the U.S.A.. Muslim Jihadists plan to do the same to us and our children given the opportunity just as in the 9/11 NYC attacks. We need to see what our mortal enemy looks like--no one has heard any condemnation of this heinous act by any of our "peaceful" moderate Moslems!
Time: 01:13
Reviewer comment: This video depicts the execution in Iraq of a group of Christian men by a Terrorist group of Jihadi Moslems who with excitement carry out their religious mission to exterminate all of the 'Christian Infidels.'