Hear the Message Loud & Clear - Save Your Life

This effective, hardhitting Public Service Announcement ad delivers the message loud and clear--please resend it out to others so that they may view it too. It may just save a life, maybe yours one day by "the other text messaging" driver coming right at you head on.
Volkswagen PSA Against Texting & Driving
If you have not seen the extremely effective PSA by Volkswagen to patrons in a movie theatre see below. Volkswagen sends a location SMS or “location aware text message” to viewers of the footage of a driver. Watch what happens below. (The PSA is the brain child of Volkswagen & Ad Agency Ogilvy.)
Time: 01.23
How Volkswagen Sent A Location SMS
In Hong Kong there are different rules on sending messages to mobile users than here in the U.S. so it is important to follow FCC rules, CTIA guide lines and MMA best practices. Volkswagen used a location based broadcaster and sent messaging to patrons with bluetooth on, but sending a message to make a strong point as a public service announcement is going to be received differently than a spammy sales message, so you might want to think twice about investing in one.
How To Send A Location Based Message Without Invading A Mobile Users Privacy
The simple answer is, Ask.
Location aware text messaging services such as Thumbvista’s requires a opt-in by the mobile user requesting the use of their location. This is a good thing, a study was recently conducted by Urban Airship showed that 62% of those surveyed agreed to share their location for relevant messaging, meaning they want to hear from that product or service provider. With other varies forms of location based advertising all that is required is to used an application with location services on and agreeing to receive messaging. A bluetooth broadcaster most likely sent the message to the refined area in a close proximity such as a theatre and by using BLE or low energy bluetooth devices or wifi micro indoor location triggered messaging can occur via mobile web or application. Marketers can use applications and mobile GPS to trigger messaging in a general area a little larger or non-application geofencing can be used to send a message to an even larger general perimeter. The main takeaway from all of these methods is to get permission before you send a location based message to avoid the any privacy issues.
Creative messaging is hugely effective when tied with relevance. Whether the use of timing or location provides more relevance depends on the strategy, but Volkswagen created a remarkable PSA that has went viral and hopefully does what it set out to do, not sell cars, but to inform mobile users on the dangers of texting while driving.