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Entries by D.K. Dickey (113)


Can Islamists All Just Get Along With Us?

Our present agenda at Rovalocity has been to highlight Muslim foreign and domestic threats as the Middle East has exploded to emerge an Islamic Caliphate spanning the Middle East to defeat the USA, 'the Great Satan.' It has been daunting, but I have received many emails and resources offered to show who are our country's real enemies--I never would have seen this video if it weren't for my readership sharing ideas. I strongly urge all of you to view it, it's time to take off the gloves now!

During the recent Rovalocity editorials, guest columns and video we have been logically reasoning as a civilized group about what the Islamic Muslim Terrorists are planning to do. Believe it or not, we have had liberal Obama apologist Democrats who poo-poo and have scoffed at what has been presented. They have demeaned and berated these Muslim American women who have spoken out at various forums. Their vile vitriol attacks these women as 'uneducated' because they do not pronounce English as clearly as they should and even questioned who wrote their books. I pointed out to one apologist that they also speak many different Arabic languages and dialects fluently too. I would love to hear him speak Farsi, let alone some British Cockney or American New Yorker, Bostonian, Southerner or New Jersey dialects!

What Islamist are doing right in their Jihad, Holy War, goes beyond all of the words we can say conversationally. It is now time to show what NO American news broadcast will air on any national television station--Now, see for yourself what is happening and tell us how you WOULD describe these Islamic 'freedom fighters' - It's a One Minute Video! 


They are without conscience or restraint and are absolutely dedicated to our (all "infidels") destruction and the destruction of the U.S.A.. Muslim Jihadists plan to do the same to us and our children given the opportunity just as in the 9/11 NYC attacks.  We need to see what our mortal enemy looks like--no one has heard any condemnation of this heinous act by any of our "peaceful" moderate Moslems!

Time: 01:13

Reviewer comment: This video depicts the execution in Iraq of a group of Christian men by a Terrorist group of Jihadi Moslems who with excitement carry out their religious mission to exterminate all of the 'Christian Infidels.' 


Wake Up & See the Hidden Agenda of Islam 

The hidden agenda behind Islam in the West

While Westerners tend to think that all religions encourage some form of the golden rule, Sharia teaches two systems of ethics - one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. 

Ms. Nonie Darwish spoke to a political Forum about Islam and, what she calls, its 'current war on the West.' Ms. Darwish is an Egyptian-American, human rights activist and critic of Islam. She earned a bachelor's degree in sociology/anthropology from the American University in Cairo. Nonie Darwish not only lived in Islamic countries for 30 yrs, she was also a Muslim so she knows very well what she is talking about. She is not a fanatic. She converted to christianity while in USA. (See her interesting Bio below.)

Muslims constantly say that Western nations lead the World in “Islamic values” and that most Muslim nations practice the least Islamic values. It is not unusual for Muslims to describe non-Muslims whom they perceive as good as having “Islamic values.” Many Christians in Egypt have to suffer hearing comments by Muslims such as: “You are so good, you must convert to Islam, you have the character of a true Muslim.” It is not a compliment, it certainly is not Muslim pretext for co-existence either.

Muslims are trained to adjust their reality to Islamic propaganda; thus everything good must come from Islam and everything bad comes from the Kafir non-believer. So it is Islamic logic to believe that if Christians are good then they must be Muslim, but they just don’t know it yet.

Nonie said, "We have tried to appease the terrorist and fought for them against their own enemies." So why did we do it if Muslims still hate us? Nonie's further said, "We are killing our children to defend and die for any of these Muslum nations--there are fifty-four Muslim nations in the world and they are totally capable of defending themselves." Feel used and abused yet? 

Time: 12.35

Joys of Muslim Women by Nonie Darwish

In the Muslim faith a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old and have sexual intimacy with this child, consummating the marriage by 9.  The dowry is given to the family in exchange for the woman (who becomes his slave). to use her as a toy.  Even though a woman is abused, she cannot obtain a divorce.  To prove rape, the woman must have (4) male witnesses.  Often after a woman has been raped, she is returned to her family and the family must return the dowry.  The family has the right to execute her (an honour killing) to restore the honour of the family.  The husband is permitted to have 4 wives and a temporary wife for an hour (prostitute) at his discretion.  In the Western World (UK) Muslim men are starting to demand Shariah Law so the wife cannot obtain a divorce and he can have full and complete control of her.

Nonie Darwish Bio: Born in Cairo, Nonie was later raised in the Gaza Strip. In the 1950s, Egypt occupied Gaza and Gamal Abdel Nasser, who later became Egypt's president, appointed her father to lead the fedayeen guerilla operations, whose sole mission was to destroy Israel. As Nasser rallied the Arab world to wipe out the Jewish State, Arabs throughout the Middle East flooded into Gaza to join the fedayeen headed by Nonie's father, Lt. Col. Mustafa Hafaz. The fedayeen became the model for modern terrorist organizations.


FOX News Viewers Likely to Believe False Info

Time: 21.09

This video is uploaded to HowTheWorldWorks website sponsored by Mr. Lee Doren, an attorney and political activist. He was formerly a liberal member of an environmental lobbying organization, though his views became more conservative as he got older. This critique is definitely 'wonkish', as it examines the detailed minutia of charts, tables and data from several sources. It shows how the political strategy is made to introduce a simple idea based upon questionable facts which the public trusts as true and is not.

A recent study from the University of Maryland and supposedly shows that Fox News viewers were more likely to believe false information about American politics.

After looking at the supposed 'myths' that Fox News watchers believe, Lee quickly realized that something was wrong with the study. As a result, Lee read the study very carefully and realized that the whole study was bogus.

Overall, the study about misinformation and the 2010 election did not have data to support its conclusions. In fact, the study may simply demonstrate that Fox News viewers are more informed than the researchers. It was clear that the researchers were unaware of most of the data provided to the public.

When conducting this research Lee looked at a variety of sources. Most of the sources can clearly be seen in the video itself. Below is his attempt to list all the sources in no particular order that he reviewed. (Some sources were not used at all.)



Can 'Peaceful People' Stop Radical Islam?

For years, all we heard was that Islam had been 'hijacked' and that most Muslims are peaceful people. And, what does that really matter to the 270 million people who have been killed so far in the name of Allah for the past 15 centuries? 

  • It's estimated that there are 1.2 billion muslims today and statistically there are 75 percent of All Muslims which are Not 'radical' Muslims or 900 million people. So, where are their protests against the radicals' killings and brutalities?
  • It's stated that 15 - 25 percent of all Muslims are 'radical' which is between 180 to 300 million people, almost as many as the total U.S. population of 318 million as of June 2014. So that's up to 300 million people who are dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization? 
  • Many talk about how significant it is as most people are a 'peaceful majority.' But the truth is the 'peaceful majority' of people throughout world history were irrelevant as they stood by to watch the atrocities happen anyway. Where were the 'peaceful majority' when it was the Germans against Hitler, 60 Million killed; Russians against Stalin, 20 million killed; Chinese against Mao, 70 million killed; and Japanese against Hirohito in So East Asia, 20 million killed?
  • The American government ignored all previous Muslim terrorist attacks and threats and so the 'peaceful majority' unknowingly stood by. On 9/11/2001 they watched as the United States was attacked by 19 highjackers to bring down passenger jets, the NYC Trade Towers and U.S. Pentagon killing almost 3,000 people and paralyzing a whole nation. 


Time: 04.51

Brigitte Gabriel concluded with, "The issue is how we can hold our government responsible [for Benghazi] and it is time that we take political correctness and throw it into the garbage where it belongs!"

First Amendment Side-Bar:  'P.C. Police' - A new proposal in April 2014 that would empower the Feds to scour the internet, TV and much, much more for so-called hate speech--and then do something about it. Democratic NY Senator Ed Markey is pushing this bill mandating monitoring of anything that the Feds suspect may encourage hate crimes. Look out for another big Congressional fight if this ever sees the light of day out of the House committee--heads will roll at election time! 


Send Out the Clowns - Vote Them Out This Year!

The Clown-In-ChiefEver heard about some people fearing clowns? Clowns show funny faces to crowds to make them laugh, but some see them with scary faces as the clowns scamper out onto the center ring of circus to perform, just like all the clowns in Washington who are the scary kind too.

This video is a tribute to the Washington, DC crazy antics, absurd pratfalls and cream-filled pies they have tossed into the faces of all Americans. Wash their smiles and face paint off to see real phony side-show characters hawking their 'snake oil' to you rubes, the country bumkins, who are too stupid to know any better--Oh really? 

Time: 02.07