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Entries by D.K. Dickey (255)


Cancel Culture Crackdown Brings Viruses to Life

Viruses are regarded as nonliving extremely complex molecules that are capable of growth and multiplication only in living cells. Similarly, thoughts and ideas can live only under free speech between individuals. 

In the sharing of my views and opinions, I find it's always best to do as much research as anyone can do to vet out the facts and revelations that appear around in our crowded information world.  The best rule of thumb is to look with a jaundiced eye of skepticism at every bit of data that is thrown out in the internet and media outlets. 

Believe it or not, even after much investigation, one may have to draw only upon their own gut feelings as to whether facts are the truth or merely just fiction. Some call it a judgement call, but so be it; it must stand until better proof presents itself. That is my interpretation in how I arrive at my personal opinions.

I have been following the Covid vaccines closely by personally knowing people who have contracted the virus. The final pre-vaccine outcomes of all have surprisingly resolved quickly within a range of complete recovery to death.  Being a geriatric patient, a septuagenarian of seventy-five, I qualify as a combatant out in the war and a fighter against this virus. By the way, I have had my first shot of the Moderna vaccine on Jan 16, 2021 with positive news of a 94.5% efficacy, and the second shot scheduled on February 13, 2021.

I feel like every day is a battle to defend myself as I take in all the ongoing clinical or medical information being dispensed to inoculate my knowledge base. There is, however, like medicine, good and bad advice and one has to decide where science is fact or fiction; in both cases there are political forces working behind the scenes in government and medicine. 
As an example, the World Health Organization, WHO, a controversial Chinese Communist politically funded medical body and denier of the Wuhan Virus nexus in a recent article about clinical studies questioned the safety to pregnant women to avoid Moderna doses. It recommends generally against it. I forwarded it to my daughter who had a baby and was in self-quarantine for nearly a year in her Los Angeles home. 

She has a Bachelor and Masters degree from the Keck School of Medicine at USC and over eight years experience in marketing pharmaceuticals directly to physicians in their offices, actively training hospital staff, and administering patient medical procedures alongside doctors in operation rooms. So, she is highly qualified to evaluate the efficacy of clinical trials and resulting outcomes. In contemplating another baby in her future, this article is just more piece of data  to vet and compare to competing clinical papers and trial outcomes to reach sound conclusions.

So you can see, as a "die-hard Trumpster", I do give both sides a fair public hearing, with no restrictions to free speech, and draw down on those facts to make my own opinions.  I do not believe in turning off anyone else's free speech in attempting to reach out for everyone's words and ideas, whether I agree with them or not. It is a God-given, Constitutionally mandated right to free speech in the United States that endows every single individual without any Federal or State or Local government interventions or restrictions to not be silenced or have their rights abridged.

As a Constitutional advocate and United States citizen, I found it absolutely appalling and illegal that privately run mega-trillion dollar, Neo-Nazi, Big Tech conglomerates with their self-appointed, gross arrogance can under their own self-righteous fiat dictate censorship of a free nation's citizens about which company or who personally is allowed a public forum or platform on the American public internet.

Is the Obama era "Fairness Doctrine" going to be resurrected to control information completely all the information news outlets?  75,000,000 of the electorate who voted for Trump, plus more voters who never heard anything except the loud hyperbole of "Mr. Orange Hair and his rants" were not given by left-leaning media any air time to view the actual facts, issues, or results of a highly successful President.

I know many who regret they did not vote for Trump and now really doubt the senile, old guy who reads chyron teleprompters with 5" high letters of scrolling text moving along to deliver his scripted messages.  Sad.  Many voters were duped into this ridiculous farce for a President, a Manchurian candidate literally, that will bring down the United States Constitution with its citizens to a new world order, not under our sovereign USA control.  

Hopefully, cautiously, all Americans are keenly watching about what that militant mascarade of our troops is doing there as it's marching around in our national capital to fight against its citizens to protect those now in power. Who, potentially, are these anarchists? 

I heard yesterday that the Washington establishment permanently installed chain link fences and razor wire as the "new normal" in Washington too. Hello, Venezuela!  How nuts is that scenario?



Gravy Train or Oil Train - No Difference

Say GOOD-BYE to the XL Pipeline!

...Say HELLO to the Green New Deal! 

...And NO, this is not Thomas the Engine!


Well now, obviously ole Joey kept his Faustian deal with the devil to sell his soul. His demons will haunt him throughout his brief tenure in office as he does penance by asking for monies and favors in exchange for access to the Oval Office as well as their seat behind the Resolute Desk making the decisions to guide his presidential powers. All Joey has to do now is read the five inch letter high characters in words flashing across in a brightly lit, chyron display monitor. 

Joey spouting off during his Presidential election rhetoric about the rich Wall Streeters, millionaires, and billionaires has all but forgotten about his harsh rebukes and on taxing the rich. Everyone will be surprised to find out now that this is just not the case. Shockingly, Joey has already figured out how to tax the people with a simple scheme: Green Energy subsidized through added fuel taxes. This revenue includes automobiles, oil heating, and all businesses requiring fossil fuels. (i.e., airlines, retail stores, schools, municipalities, etc.)  

The sweet spot in the fuel deal is pay back, or better, simply payoff. The millions of dollars that fatcat, Democrat Daddy Warbucks, donor, Warren Buffet bundled, hosted fundraisers, and contributed to Joey's campaign paid off. His Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF) hauls 80% of the oil crude from Canada to the Midwest and Texas or charges other shortline railroads a fee to use their tracks. BNSF charges $30 per barrel verses $10 per barrel in the Keystone pipeline. Warren would lose $2 Billion a year if the pipeline construction goes through the United States.

As a side note, Canada begins trading with China to offload their excess crude oil to Chinese tankers bound to their mainland while leaving the U.S. to crawl back to the middle east for it's own petroleum needs.

This delay is temporary as any Presidential executive orders can be. But, every year it's a big $2 Billion paycheck to Warren Buffet. The Green Deal initiatives are completely ignored as the railroad and trucker union workers continue to transport the same oil in both rails and trucks which net out zero environmental savings. So, is it more or less dangerous to transport crude oil through pipes or travel on roads and rails delivering volatile, dangerous fuels? 


You Don't Want to Blow it Out!

The old saying, "You might just get what you wish for." is not something anyone wants to hear; especially after really thinking hard about what the wish should be to to build a dream on.

So as you are taking a deep breath, and puckering up to get ready to take out the candles, just don't blow it all out in the end. And, that's the whole point here when you dream of a better place. It's where all the media giants with the tech monopolies like Facebook, Google, Alphabet, and Twitter would be responsible and fair without prejudice —  and, that's no cakewalk either to achieve unless it's openly Constitutionally ajudicated.

So, how does this all happen after these United States corporations have trampled on the civil liberties of others by engineering the US 2020 election results, delisting or banning internet sites, ending web hosting to de-platform sites, whether it is either against companies or individuals? Many left-leaning people and politicians have all championed these affronts to free speech, but are they legally right under law?

Constitutionalists do not support destroying the 1st Amendment, even though the rhetoric can be abhorrent, that's our God-given American Constitutional right.

Twitter after 2020 election interference blackout of Joe and Hunter Biden Russian payoff scandal and closing down President Trump's accounts, CEO Jack Dorsey stated he is going to expand his platform's censorship, apparently, targeting many more conservative accounts in the future and beyond. It is now time to rein in these omnipotent oligarchies of media giants and tech. It starts with voter election laws and term limits on those who govern us throughout the state-wide and federal levels under the Convention of States under the Constitutional Laws. 

An Article V Convention of States to make proposals that "limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials." Once two-thirds (34) of the states pass the resolution in both their house and senate state chambers, the convention will be called. FYI: Currently 15 states passed, 7 passed in one chamber, 7 considering Convention of States in 2021, and  it leaves only 5 states away.

The other method — by which all previous constitutional amendments have been initiated — requires a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress. That will never happen with the Washington elite politicians who never got anything passed lately, especially term limits on themselves; however, with today's Democrat majorities those huge, bloated spending bills and taxes should pass fast.

For the electorate, the voters, it isn’t actual facts and partisan party talking points that change hearts and minds, it’s relationship building. So as the Biden Democrat agenda unfolds out its programs, the realities of those Federal government rules, regulations, and taxes will became very clear to all taxpayers. We will all be in this same fiscal tax morass together, then told to sit down and just shut-up by the government.

It is then under that bright disinfectant daylight everyone will see what retribution has been done to conservatives and injuries to Democrats with their self-inflicted wounds. It's hard to fully assess yet the overall damages exacted upon our great nation's future, but that reckoning is coming on fast to be sure.


"I'm going to Disneyland!"

Since the 1987 Super Bowl game, the phrase, "I'm going to Disneyland!", has been used as part of Disney's "What's Next?" Super Bowl campaign. The idea was supposedly concocted by Jane Eisner, the wife of Disney CEO Michael Eisner. Both quarterbacks, New York Giants Phil Simms and Broncos John Elway, agreed to utter the famous line in exchange for $75,000 if they were victorious. Simms ultimately walked away with the cushy payday.

Today, in 2021, the question is still asked, "What's Next?". The answer itself has changed. It now goes beyond that question and is about Sleeping Beauty's Castle.  Why? It's because the castle, allegedly by some, was created by Mad King Ludwig II.  But was he mad? The history is fascinating 

about 19th Century, Mad King Ludvig's Castle in Bavaria, Germany. Rising above the Schwansee Lake and perched on a jagged peak, Neuschwanstein Palace is an ode to Richard Wagner. Wagner was a romantic composer and Ludwig's close friend. The palace pays homage to the swan knight of Lohengrin.

Of course, everyone knows where this castle is in Disneyland.  It's at the main entrance to Fantasyland, and that's where our journey starts and ends in a brief glimpse into what could have been a wonderful world.  Instead, it's now locked and closed to the people and guarded at the gates by the gilded elites and their idiot, moron minions for the King Bumbler, Joe Biden.

Have you guessed yet where this fairytale is taking you yet? It should, because it's all about how the American peoples have given up the keys to their own castles. These are the bastions that keep or defend Constitutional beliefs, freedoms, or ways of life for all citizens that is disappearing or threatened. The Federal government is not your Prince Charming or fairy godmother, but instead is your captor and master. How so? Let's read on, 

"Once upon a time..." The political career of President Donald J. Trump burst upon the national election scene, grew to epic proportions, created astounding domestic growth, negotiated world trade agreements and  peace settlements around the world not seen since President Ronald Reagan or beyond.

In this 2020 Presidential re-election, after their 2016 election beating, the "gilded-rich elites",  "liberal progressives", "high-tech oligarchs", and "media moguls" had never given up their concerted efforts to politically and personally destroy President Trump. He is our modern-day knight in shining armor in this horrific fairytale fighting a fiery dragon spitting out it's leftist media venom, rhetorical flames, and gas lighting to destroy him along with U.S. Constitutional laws.

The 2020 Election is now over with all illegal ballots counted. They won, but are very afraid and worried he could run again. What to do now? Well, let's still call his voters deplorables who now need cleansing and brand him just plain crazy mad. Is the fairytale over yet?

Some factual parallels are historically striking here. For many decades, people said that King Ludwig II was mad due to his excessive spending and extraordinary castles. Ludwig was an intellectualist, however, who spent more time with books and in nature than caring about dynastic issues. However, now researchers can explain that it wasn't madness, but a cruel rumor created by his enemies (maybe even his own family!) Ludwig was very different than his relatives. He was a dreamer and an intelligent visionary. He indeed left a long-lasting legacy to ponder.

"And so, they lived happily ever after...." is only in fairytales, but that hope can only live on if we take what was gained during the last four years and build upon it a mighty fortress from a bedrock solid Constitutional foundation to defend our God-given liberties and U.S. Constitutional Laws.

"The Horrible Ending Epilogue..." The Washington, DC Trump rally fiasco which culminated on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 resulted from a spontaneous, unarmed mob assault by a few, not all protesters, there on the Capitol building. Tragically, one was shot by police, three other deaths were medical emergencies that were not firearm-related, said DC Police, not to mention one officer died after hit with a fire extinguisher and many other injured DC police officers too. 

Can all the blame for this violence be piled onto just one event or is it more?  The cumulative constant drum beat for the Trump years was loud from Democrats who wanted Republican voices muted while physically run out of restaurants and stores as unrentless fiery BLM street riots threaten public safety. The absolute leftwing power over free-speech in social and news media is now complete too.

Over a year, Covid has people sequestered down in their homes, unable to go to schools, stores, theaters, sports events or meet with friends. This all contributed to this powder keg of emotion, intentional or not, whether the unknown could be even known to determine all the consequences. Sadly, how quickly condemnation and blame appears. But, it's really nothing new, so you have to wait for all of the facts. I can already see this is a circle firing squad and everyone is to blame.  


2024 POTUS Election Running Up Frenzy in Poll Drafts Early

Many pollsters already are looking past Biden's 2021 political funeral dirge as the Democrat party dig down into a deeper grave. They are planning for an anemic four year economy in the White House run ahead, with a day of mourning planned for dear old Joe as Kammy takes the helm too.
Sadly, it will hurt all Americans, but not for the billionaire media oligarchs whose mind control is corrupt. So, what and who are their enemy targeted in their sights now?
I am sure it's like Senator Josh Hawley  from Missouri.  He is a fresh, able young man who has a genuine, sincere Presidential look about him unlike Senators Rubio, McCain, Romney, Cornyn along with Congressmen Sasse and Kinzinger; all unquestionable flip-flopping political dilettantes!

Dems are just starting accusals of him running for POTUS position in a 12/30/20 TV interview on contesting Biden-Harris electoral college vote counts. Why is this a concern in early lamestream media probes asked?

Just look at all the stats below & listen to hear Josh speak so eloquently, rationally, and succinctly on various issues. It's almost like there is a sane politician out there that appreciates conservative views along with an appreciation of what everyone needs to guide our democratic republic into the future while continuing under U.S. Constitutional laws set by our founding fathers.

BIO:  41 yrs. old,  5' 11", 178 lbs., wife & 2 young boys. Universities: Stanford BS & Yale JD.

1 yr. in U.S. Senate.  Hmmn....樂 Hadn't Barack done that before himself??  
Strong 2024 Presidential Republican Race Contenders

Senators: Tom Cotton, James Lankford, Ted Cruz. 
Congressmen: Matt Gaetz, Doug Collins, Jim Jordan, Dan Crenshaw.