Cancel Culture Crackdown Brings Viruses to Life

In the sharing of my views and opinions, I find it's always best to do as much research as anyone can do to vet out the facts and revelations that appear around in our crowded information world. The best rule of thumb is to look with a jaundiced eye of skepticism at every bit of data that is thrown out in the internet and media outlets.
Believe it or not, even after much investigation, one may have to draw only upon their own gut feelings as to whether facts are the truth or merely just fiction. Some call it a judgement call, but so be it; it must stand until better proof presents itself. That is my interpretation in how I arrive at my personal opinions.

I feel like every day is a battle to defend myself as I take in all the ongoing clinical or medical information being dispensed to inoculate my knowledge base. There is, however, like medicine, good and bad advice and one has to decide where science is fact or fiction; in both cases there are political forces working behind the scenes in government and medicine.
As an example, the World Health Organization, WHO, a controversial Chinese Communist politically funded medical body and denier of the Wuhan Virus nexus in a recent article about clinical studies questioned the safety to pregnant women to avoid Moderna doses. It recommends generally against it. I forwarded it to my daughter who had a baby and was in self-quarantine for nearly a year in her Los Angeles home.
She has a Bachelor and Masters degree from the Keck School of Medicine at USC and over eight years experience in marketing pharmaceuticals directly to physicians in their offices, actively training hospital staff, and administering patient medical procedures alongside doctors in operation rooms. So, she is highly qualified to evaluate the efficacy of clinical trials and resulting outcomes. In contemplating another baby in her future, this article is just more piece of data to vet and compare to competing clinical papers and trial outcomes to reach sound conclusions.
So you can see, as a "die-hard Trumpster", I do give both sides a fair public hearing, with no restrictions to free speech, and draw down on those facts to make my own opinions. I do not believe in turning off anyone else's free speech in attempting to reach out for everyone's words and ideas, whether I agree with them or not. It is a God-given, Constitutionally mandated right to free speech in the United States that endows every single individual without any Federal or State or Local government interventions or restrictions to not be silenced or have their rights abridged.

Is the Obama era "Fairness Doctrine" going to be resurrected to control information completely all the information news outlets? 75,000,000 of the electorate who voted for Trump, plus more voters who never heard anything except the loud hyperbole of "Mr. Orange Hair and his rants" were not given by left-leaning media any air time to view the actual facts, issues, or results of a highly successful President.
I know many who regret they did not vote for Trump and now really doubt the senile, old guy who reads chyron teleprompters with 5" high letters of scrolling text moving along to deliver his scripted messages. Sad. Many voters were duped into this ridiculous farce for a President, a Manchurian candidate literally, that will bring down the United States Constitution with its citizens to a new world order, not under our sovereign USA control.
Hopefully, cautiously, all Americans are keenly watching about what that militant mascarade of our troops is doing there as it's marching around in our national capital to fight against its citizens to protect those now in power. Who, potentially, are these anarchists?
I heard yesterday that the Washington establishment permanently installed chain link fences and razor wire as the "new normal" in Washington too. Hello, Venezuela! How nuts is that scenario?

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