Gravy Train or Oil Train - No Difference

Say GOOD-BYE to the XL Pipeline!
...Say HELLO to the Green New Deal!
...And NO, this is not Thomas the Engine!
Well now, obviously ole Joey kept his Faustian deal with the devil to sell his soul. His demons will haunt him throughout his brief tenure in office as he does penance by asking for monies and favors in exchange for access to the Oval Office as well as their seat behind the Resolute Desk making the decisions to guide his presidential powers. All Joey has to do now is read the five inch letter high characters in words flashing across in a brightly lit, chyron display monitor.
Joey spouting off during his Presidential election rhetoric about the rich Wall Streeters, millionaires, and billionaires has all but forgotten about his harsh rebukes and on taxing the rich. Everyone will be surprised to find out now that this is just not the case. Shockingly, Joey has already figured out how to tax the people with a simple scheme: Green Energy subsidized through added fuel taxes. This revenue includes automobiles, oil heating, and all businesses requiring fossil fuels. (i.e., airlines, retail stores, schools, municipalities, etc.)
The sweet spot in the fuel deal is pay back, or better, simply payoff. The millions of dollars that fatcat, Democrat Daddy Warbucks, donor, Warren Buffet bundled, hosted fundraisers, and contributed to Joey's campaign paid off. His Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF) hauls 80% of the oil crude from Canada to the Midwest and Texas or charges other shortline railroads a fee to use their tracks. BNSF charges $30 per barrel verses $10 per barrel in the Keystone pipeline. Warren would lose $2 Billion a year if the pipeline construction goes through the United States.
As a side note, Canada begins trading with China to offload their excess crude oil to Chinese tankers bound to their mainland while leaving the U.S. to crawl back to the middle east for it's own petroleum needs.
This delay is temporary as any Presidential executive orders can be. But, every year it's a big $2 Billion paycheck to Warren Buffet. The Green Deal initiatives are completely ignored as the railroad and trucker union workers continue to transport the same oil in both rails and trucks which net out zero environmental savings. So, is it more or less dangerous to transport crude oil through pipes or travel on roads and rails delivering volatile, dangerous fuels?
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