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Entries by D.K. Dickey (255)


Rovalocity™ Introduces

Rovalocity Introduces

We have recently secured our RovalocityTelevision site registration for a web address. Online streaming videos have become extremely effective in turning site media into more exciting, interesting and entertaining content. So, it is our intention to present not only some of our currently posted publications but also newly published ones sent directly to streaming videos. This will allow computers, iPads, iPhones and android devices immediate access to view our blogs and video library too.

The finalized production formats, content, and scheduling will be announced prior to the release date next year during the launching of our online videos starting around Spring, 2012.



Welcome Glenn Beck to the Neighborhood!

Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck Moves to Dallas, Texas

Political Pundit Glenn Beck has moved his family North of Dallas, Texas to the town of Westlake near Grapevine Lake this year. 

Broadcast Studios Relocation

The Glenn Beck Program is the third-highest-rated radio program in the nation.

Beck's production company Mercury Radio Arts announced that GBTV, a live streaming online video network would set up their television and radio studio in the Irving complex, the Studios at Las Colinas close to his new home. Beck is building a permanent studio and control room starting in January which will be fully operational by March, 2012. 

The GBTV studios, coincidently, are nearby to the Rovalocity™ website production location in North Dallas, Texas.



Obama's Billion Dollar Lipstick Question

In a February, 2009 NBC' "Today Show" interview, Obama predicted, "If this economy hasn’t rebounded in three years, I’m a one-termer." Then, will he really be a one term President? Or, is this a desperate campaign strategy to fool everyone and wildly saying out loud what everyone has on their minds?

In a December, 2011 CBS' "60 Minutes" interview, Obama admitted, "If voters believe in the Republican agenda of lower taxes, including for the wealthy, and weaker regulations then he [Obama] will lose." Then in another breath, Obama conceded it would take more than one term in office for his administration to change a Washington political culture defined by special interests and hyperpartisanship. He added maybe things might not shift even if he is reelected. What? ....a "no promise" promise with "no change you can believe in" anymore? 

Obama will put on a bright coat of red lipstick to freshen up his image for the 2012 Election Campaign. But, "You can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig." So, it doesn't really matter who runs against Obama because his core philosophy will still stand in sharp contrast with any Republicans. The Billion Dollar Obama War Chest question is: "Are the Republicans ready for the dirtiest political campaign in U.S. history?



Obama = "Nowhere Man"

Obama = "Nowhere Man"

Run Time  2:05

He's a real Nowhere Man
Sitting in his Nowhere Land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

Doesn't have a point of view
Knows not where he's going to

Isn't he a bit like you and me? - not me really.

Nowhere Man, please listen
You don't know what you're missing
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command

He's as blind as he can be
Just sees what he wants to see
Nowhere Man, can you see me at all?

Nowhere Man, don't worry
Take your time, don't hurry
Leave it all 'til somebody else lends you a hand

Doesn't have a point of view
Knows not where he's going to

Isn't he a bit like you and me? - not me really.

Nowhere Man, please listen
You don't know what you're missing
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command

He's a real Nowhere Man
Sitting in his Nowhere Land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

Ron Suskind, Pulitzer Prize winner and senior national affairs writer for the Wall Street Journal, wrote Confidence Men - Wall Street, Washington and the Education of a President. It is a highly recommended book featured in our Rovalocity Library. It offers stunning interviews, anecdotes and observations that document confused and disorderly attempts by a President, a rudderless Captain asea trying to run a White Office without direction or any previous business experience to rely upon.

Obama's shortcomings were so dramatically displayed when two Obama super-ego advisors were infighting at every turn. Peter Orszag, Director of the Office of Management and Budget and Larry Summers, Director of the Economic Council, each responsible for huge swaths of the federal government were finally summoned by Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff, to get together for dinner meetings once a week to settle things out. 

A dinner was set up at the Bombay Club, a posh Indian restaurant directly across Lafayette Park  from the White House, a favorite of lobbyists and White House Officials. "While Orsag wouldn't publicly affirm Summer's critique of the president's abilities - saying later, "I don't want to go there" - he wouldn't disagree either.  He sat in meeting after meeting where the president would cover the same issue, or controversy, or policy dilemma, and "relitigate" it, in the president's parlance, over and over.  Decisions were left unmade; policies drifted without direction.  It wasn't a matter of intellectual framing.  The president seemed to grasp the nature of key policy dilemmas, like a journalist, or narrator, or skilled observer.  The problem was in guiding the analysis toward what a president is paid, and elected, to do; make tough decisions."

A "Hello" Moment

Do the American voters deserve a better qualified person than this President?  He is too inept and incapable to run the largest enterprise in the world, the United States of America.  It is time for the "community organizer" to go back to the streets. Hello, what does it take for the voters to finally get it that we have a weak president?


Obama the Rough Rider - His Diaper Rash Chafes 

Teddy Roosevelt & The Rough Riders

Today, December 6, 2011 Obama spoke in Osawatomie, Kansas, the same obscure middle American town used by Roosevelt for a 1910 speech to call for a "new nationalism" that would fight for everyday Americans against corporate greed and concentrations of power. The trouble is that Roosevelt, in promoting those ideas, went on to lose his bid to return to the White House in 1912. 

Obama has channeled himself as Lincoln, F.D.R. Truman, JFK, Reagan & Teddy Roosevelt. How About Jimmy Carter?

Nevertheless, Obama chose this venue for his speech specifically because Roosevelt gave his address there to mark what TR hoped would be a new Progressive Era based on the concept that the presidency should be the central advocate for the people and an aggressive advocate of economic fairness. It didn't work out that way historically and later Progressive ideas were disproved over the next 100 hundred years.

Obama wants to again increase U.S. Government spending to extend unemployment benefit checks to people not working and the payroll tax holiday to people that are working while taxing the rich to pay for it in higher taxes for economic fairness. That makes sense if you want everyone to rely on the U.S. Government to get into all of their pocketbooks. But, where in the world did Obama get those kind of ideas from anyway? 

Read Two Parallel Wall St. Journal News Stories


WASHINGTON - "The U.S. Government could increase spending to try to ensure a solid victory for President Obama in the  Presidential Elections, after his party saw support wane in the midterm elections," Austan Goolsbee, Chief White House Economist said.

In particular, President Obama could push for targeted spending at state-financed corporations. "The best way to address his fears of losing control will be to rely on a direct state presence in the economy," said Austan Goolsbee, Chief White House Economist, who added, "Obama will be looking to secure his position economically."  Policy changes will now need to be carefully shepherded through Congress.


MOSCOW - "The Russian Government could increase spending to try to ensure a solid victory for President Vladimir Putin in the Presidential Elections, after his party saw support wane in the midterm elections," Natalia Orlova, Chief Economist at Alfa Bank said.

In particular, President Putin could push for targeted spending at state-financed corporations. "The best way to address his fears of losing control will be to rely on a direct state presence in the economy," said Natalia Orlova, Chief Economist at Alfa Bank, who added, "Putin will be looking to secure his position economically."  Policy changes will now need to be carefully shepherded through the Duma.

The Obama 2012 Agenda

The first one is really a made up story from the second one that is real. Ironically,  both stories are true. Obama as the leader of the free world is closely pandering to the socialist-communist approach to controlling the masses by infusing the influence of Federal Government into everyone's lives to gain control.