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Tebow: “Shut The Fu*k Up” about Jesus!

On his radio talk show on December 15, 2011, Liberal radio pundit Bill Press, formerly with CNN. has a message for Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow: “S-T-F-U” about Jesus!

 Bill Press Liberal Talk Radio PunditPress also said, "Now, if you're one of the silly millions who still see nothing wrong with Tebow's in-your-face brand of religion, consider this: What if Tim Tebow were a devout Muslim who bowed to Mecca after every touchdown while shouting: "Allahu Akbar!" Somehow, I don't think we'd be celebrating him as a national hero." 

I think rather than addressing the point of Bill PMuslims bowing down on Prayer rugsress about whether Americans would be celebrating if Tebow was a devout Muslim, I think Bill Press should remember what had happened in the Netherlands about newspapermen like him who were defaming the Muslim religion. I am very sure “Shut The Fu*k Up” about Allah! as an editorial commentary expletive that Bill Press used would not have been taken very lightly by any devout Muslims kneeling on their prayer rugs. Bill  Press would be a dead man walking right now, read further on that point...

In fact, today In the Netherlands, where filmmaker Theo van Gogh was killed by a fundamentalist for his criticism of Islam, cartoonist Kurt Westergaard is the Danish artist who created the controversial cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb in his turban: he uses a pseudonym to protect his own identity. It's over five years after the publication of the cartoons, Westergaard still needs the same level of security as the Danish prime minister.

Bill Press is very fortunate he lives under the American Flag with our guaranteed religious freedoms; and with that, mutual respect goes out for ALL religions.  Perhaps, it's time that he reads his own Bible:

Psalm 19:14: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”


Bill Press should definitely have his mouth washed out with a huge bar of Lava Laundry Soap!

 Bill Press hosts the syndicated "Bill Press Show" on radio.

 ~  REMEMBER... 

VOTE 2012!  ~

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Reader Comments (2)

"A disgrace and an embarrassment" is what Press says about Tebow. Well, Press is the embarrassment. To say this on the radio - is he soo boring he has nothing else to talk about. I hear his fear of God. Presses comment "he'd better watch out this weekend . . . he's up against a REAL quarterback" ... HA! Well all I gotta say to that is he better not get caught in a room with the other 31 (big boys) quarterbacks in this country.

For this game? Go Brady. LOL! I can't see Tebow pulling it out in the 4th. Merry Christmas my friend ! xoxo cuztc

December 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTCapman

Tebow & Company did not pull it off, but they tried. Still, all in all, there are some statistics from each side that shows both teams came up in their standings and what they have done so far this year.

Notes: The Patriots qualified for the playoffs for the 13th time since Robert Kraft bought the team in 1994. ... The Broncos haven't won seven straight since 1998. ... New England hadn't won in Denver since 2003. ... Brady's last TD run was Nov. 14, 2010, at Pittsburgh.

December 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterD.K. Dickey

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