Mitt Romney Pie a la Mormon

Getting to Know Mitt Romney The Candidate Better
Trying to figure out in an election year what a candidate truly believes in is quite difficult while they are running for office. Most politicians will then proclaim the values and beliefs their constituents want to hear and so the electorate actually cheats itself out of an honest debate since they are the voters too, the ones listening who can make or break a victory run for office.
So then, what can be examined? The quick answers are their past performance in office, their voting record on different issues. But what if it's about a brand new candidate entering into politics or one that American as a piece of Mom's Apple Pie a la Mode is further vetted? That answer is not impossible, but is more difficult because public record must be supplanted by personal virtues and values that can be translated into political currency. To avoid ill-feelings, insulting remarks and uncomfortable situations, the age old socially correct axiom is no one discusses race, religion or politics.
Whoa! Race, religion and politics? That is exactly what campaign fodder or meadow muffins are made of in order to sling it during a heated race! So, with that thought in mind, I wish to offer a peek into a brief animated overview of a certainly secretive organization that will undoubtedly be brought up during this election season.
You can make up your own minds is a slice of American Pie a la Mormon!
VOTE 2012! ~
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