Obama's EPA Rules - Enormous Pathetic Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency is currently viewed by many as a scandal-ridden and hopelessly compromised tool of the Obama White House. This agency now employs a policy just like out of Alice in Wonderland under the “logic of the Queen of Hearts.” The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, "great or small." - 'Off with his head!' she said, without even looking around.
This Obama EPA has gone to this extreme,"great or small", one size fits all mentalityThe Queen of Hearts screams, "Off with his head!" coupled with "nonscience" nonsense, to coin a word just like from the "Queen of Hearts" herself. - 'Off with this Well Head' Obama said, without even looking around for sound logical reasons to close down drilling. Obama is virtually digging his own "rabbitt hole" deeper into the ground and becoming even more confused like Alice - "nothing makes any sense anymore!"
And so now coal, oil and natural gas are turned into wind, geothermal and solar power with no way to generate or have the capacity to store more power during peak surges and none during violent storms or unforseen events such as bird migration, seasonal change and unavailable land development to expand farms. We’re witnessing the meltdown of the USA with our energy sources drying up under heavy-handed EPA Regulations. The USA manufacturing sector is growing much less competive because of expensive energy to make products and for people to live and work.
So, how do we handle this energy problem? Obama's only answer is he wants to turn energy production further over to a Central Federal Governmental Energy Agency to completely regulate and run it as a state-owned entity. However, there’s really only one conceivable rescue: We need a new president who makes resuscitating the privitized energy industry in our country a key priority!
The Obama "Stop the Keystone XL", Canadian Oil Pipeline project is just one more environmental barracade that the liberals have put up to our oil independence from the foreign supplies.
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