Obama Plans for State Pension & Health Benefits

Private Sector Workers Under the Back-Breaking Tax Load of State Union Benefits PlansNewly elected in 2011, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) has taken the Unions to task to reduce all of the unreasonable wages, health insurance and pension plans benefits. Governor Walker has done so far what he promised to do going forward into this year, 2012. His fiscal program has allowed state, cities and local municipal governments to now negotiate the employee contracts under the newly adopted guidelines to cap and reduce taxes to balance budget programs.
Governor Walker is now facing a recall election. It is overwhelmingly sponsoredRecall Governor Walker Rally Marquee and financed by the powerful Unions to take back their lost political clout and control of the state workers. This action is usurping the mandate that the statewide voters decided upon to curb excessive state government overspending, reduce taxes and ultimately balance the budget.
Similarly now, newly elected in 2011, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (R-MI) has also taken the Unions to task and moved even a step further into a more powerful "Emergency-Manager Law". since many of the local Michigan cities and municipalities have not taken the necessary steps to responsibly reduce unreasonable wage, health insurance and pension benefits.
Opponents complain that Governor Rick Snyder, as one of his first pieces of legislation, the "Emergency-Manager Law", empowers himself to take managerial rights away, nullifying the will of the voters in a given town or city.
Specifically, the City of Flint that fell into receivership in 2011 had a deficit that ballooned after city leaders failed to make promised layoffs and unilaterally impose new labor contracts. "This law affords the governor a great of discretion, and I respect the decision he made", said Flint Mayor Dayne Walling. This drastic measure is needed to address Flint's $45 million deficit and avoid bankruptcy.
Mr. Brown, is the appointed City of Flint, MI Emergency Manager, a Flint native and former Democratic county commissioner, who said, "It's not like this administration has screwed up and created this problem." Mr. Brown added, " This is a 25-year decline in the tax base." My question to Mr. Brown, "If it was a known fact about an existing 25 year-decline, then why were these ongoing overblown, bloated Government Employees Union benefits still negotiated and paid?"
Needless to say, the powerful national Unions, civil-rights leaders, Democratic Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Recall Election Petitionsrepresentatives and union members are gathering enough signatures to put the "Emergency-Manager Law" on hold until the November 2012 elections.
Are these Wisconsin and Michigan voters just plain nuts?
Where is all the money for their State and Municipal Government Union Benefits & Pension Funds coming from if they throw out these laws? And, raise more Taxes on whom?
Hmmn... Obama funds it all? (AKA: The U.S. Federal Taxpayers)
VOTE 2012! ~
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